
The new woman

By yureli
  • first national womans right convention

    The first National Women's Rights Convention takes place in Worcester, Mass., attracting more than 1,000 participants. National conventions are held yearly (except for 1857) through 1860.
  • American Equal Right

    to secure equal rights to all american citizens esspecially the right to suffrage, race, color or sex. The AERA had two main goals one was the sufrage movement and the other was removing the requirements that discriminated against Afircan american voters.
  • national woman suffrage association

    NWSA susan b anthony and elizabeth form the national woman suffrage assosiation.the main goal was to achive voting rights for waman but it was split over if the womans right should sopport the fifteeen amendment
  • 15th amendment

    constitution grants african american MEN the right to vote. susan B anthony and Elizibeth cady oppose the amendment, Beacuse for the first time in the constitution it says the word "male".
  • anti-suffrage movement

    goup of woman that belived that woman had the right to freedom but inside thier own house. "domestic feminisum" .
  • The new aspect of the woman question

    The new aspect of the woman question
    published in North American Review by sarah grand
    discribed the growth of feminist ,educated and independent carrer woman all over europe and the United States. Many of the richer woman showed signs of being feminist beacuse they were more independent they did not need other people to be taking care of them. They
    "ecersised control over thier own lifes"Henry James
  • pink collar worker

    pink collar worker
    perform jobs in service industry such as being a waitiress. around this time many woman worked in resturants as waitresses or they worked as nurses these jobs at that time was considerd to be a womans job or a "pink ghetto " witch means that these jobs were dominated by woman or the limmits that woman have to further thier carrer.
  • woman won the right to vote

    woman won the right to vote
    garenteed all american woman the right to vote.
  • suffragette

    members of womens right to vote movement
    late 19th century and early 20th century. radical or consevitive male or feamal where able to join. mostly known for thier hunger striks and danguerous methods to achive thier goals.