Russian revolution ab

The Russian Revelution

By Z.S.
  • Marxists Revolutionaries split

    Marxists Revolutionaries split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • East Russian War

    East Russian War
    In 1904 Russia and japan competed for Korea and Manchuria, ending with a truce, then Russia attacked japan's territories they agreed with.
  • Demand for alternative power

    Demand for alternative power
    Russian leaders voted for a constitutional monarchy similar to Britain but, the czars desire for power denied this from happening.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    In 1905 200,000 Russian workers and families approached the winter palace and soldiers were ordered to gun them down, wounding or killing at least 1,000 civilians.
  • Russia's vulnerable act of war

    Russia's vulnerable act of war
    In 1914 czar Nicholas II led Russia into war against the germans. At the time the Russians were poorly equipped and the germans dominated the Russians with ease. Czar Nicholas II repositioned his home base to the front lines in hopes of leading the Russians to victory. His wife ran the Russian government while he was away.
  • End of the Czars

    End of the Czars
    In march 1917 czar Nicholas II stepped down from his throne and was executed. The dumas then established a makeshift government. This government did not succeed during the war, in some cities there were socialist revolutionaries who began councils who had more influence than the duma’s government.
  • The Lenin Revolution

    The Lenin Revolution
    In 1917 peasants and factory workers stormed the winter palace and Lenin, leading the outbreak divided the land between all peasants evenly, the czar regime has been replaced. Lenin gave workers power over their factories and signed a truce with Germany then beginning peace talks.
  • The treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    In march 1918, Russia and Germany signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, this meant that Germany gets a large portion of Russia for peace. This lead to widespread anger among many Russians against the bolsheviks and their laws. The royal family murdered once again. At this point a army called the white army, made up of groups who wanted the return of the czar, those who wanted a democratic government and even those who opposed lenin's kind of government.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    In 1918 to 1920 civil war raged throughout Russia and western nations supported the white armies army. However this was of little help. 14 million Russians died during this war, more than any in its past. Russia is in complete chaos from epidemics, war and starvation. In the end of this volatile war the red army came out on top.
  • The NEP Proposition

    The NEP Proposition
    Trade at a stand still Lenin utilized a different form of government called NEP where peasants don’t have to turn over their crops to the government if they trade with other counties. The government regained control over most of their settlements but not private ownerships.
  • Stalin’s rise to power

    Stalin’s rise to power
    In 1922 Russia is named the USSR for those that led the bolshevik revolution. Lenin ordered the country to be split into many separate republics governed under one government. Stalin then began his climb to the top of political power competing with karl marx.