The Russian Revolution

  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    After Nicholas 1 took the throne once his brother died, Russian army officers led 3,000 soldiers to protest. This took place in Peter's Square in Saint Petersburg, but after this event the square was renamed Decemberists Square.
  • Nicholas II Becomes Czar of Russia

    Nicholas II Becomes Czar of Russia
    After Alexander III died Nicholas II is thrust upon the throne. He was extremely unprepared for the responsibilities that come with being czar.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    This was a war over the control of Manchuria and Korea. Japan won easily, and the defeat showed the declining power of Russia and the poor organization and leadership of Russias military.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    A group of workers marched to the Winter Palace to make demands. Soldiers blocked them and open fired at them killing over 100 people.
  • WWI Russian Involvment

    WWI Russian Involvment
    Russia entered the war with the largest army in the world. They did not have enough food or weapons to function as an army.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Russian workers went on strike and a few days later got locked out of their work. As the workers starved they rioted but Nicholas II would not give out food supplies. The Duma disobyed Nicholas II and he was forced to give up the throne.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne

    Czar Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne
    During the February Revolution strikes and revolts broke out and Czar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate the throne.
  • The Russian Civil War Begins

    The Russian Civil War Begins
    The Red and White armies were fighting over government rule. The Red Army (Bolsheviks) wanted socialism, but the White Army (Menshaviks) wanted capitalism.
  • The Creation of the U.S.S.R

    The Creation of the U.S.S.R
    The Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, or Soviet Union, existed between 1922-1991. This was a One-Party state governed by the Communists.
  • Vladimir Lenin's Death

    Vladimir Lenin's Death
    Vladimir Lenin organized the Bolsheviks and the Red Army. Lenin died from a stroke in 1924.