The Story of US

  • Jan 1, 1100


    Were religious wars between Cathlics and muslims and they fought over Jerusalem and were introduced to many different foods and spices.

    Without this event happening we would of never had Jerusalem or ideas sent to US.
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death killed off 75 million people. It came from Europe over seas with ships. For those who got it dieas on the ships some survived. Then they came to US and it wiped us out. It was a very bad tragity. It was important because it brought the rise to the merchant class.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    Columbus went to explore the new world in 1492. He sailed from Spian with three ships. Then he changed his corse to go South West. He landed on a small island. Then one of the ships crashed and they went back to spain. He would of never found new things if he didnt sial the ither way.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Vasco da Gama Voyage

    Vasco da Gama Voyage
    Gama was the 1st European to reach India by boat and rounded the tip.(side of North America) History changed on the day he rounded the side of SA.
  • Jul 17, 1505

    Martin Luther becomes Monk

    Martin Luther becomes Monk
    Martin wanted to be a monk. During a storm. Although his father wanted him to continue as a student in lawing. He went to Augustinian monastery at effert in 1505 because a monk in 1506. It was important because if it wasnt for him becoming a monk he would of never thought of the theses.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    King Henerys First Marriage

    King Henerys First Marriage
    The kings first marriage was Catherine of Aragon. They devorced. Catherin was a widow of her brother Arthur. She didnt want to get married any more & so on and so forth. It was important because if he didnt he would of not remarried and had children.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Cortez defeats Aztects

    Cortez defeats Aztects
    They marched throught Mexico and picked up a few people who hated the aztects (not a few alot.) This was important because it shows that a weaker power could win against the impossible.
  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boyleyn beheaded

    Anne Boyleyn beheaded
    Anne Boyleyn was king Henery's 2nd wife and was queen in the 1530s but was beheaded for adultery against him. The importance is that after her death he remarried.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    King Henery Gets A Son

    King Henery Gets A Son
    King Henery had a son with his wife that passed away Jane Seymour. He was a small child but it was a boy. He has alaways wanted a son. Who ruled after he passed away. It was important becasue if he gave up on trying to make children he would of never gotten.
  • Jan 1, 1565

    St Augustine EST.

    St Augustine EST.
    They established what is now Florida. It was important to the creation of our nation because if it wasnt established Florida would be very different and maybe not even be apart of the US orwe not even have a US.
  • James Town

    James Town
    James Town was founded in 1607. It was the 1st paralement settlement for the English that would help make usmake up the US. It was important because it was the 1st permanent colony in the new world.
  • Pennsylvania EST

    Pennsylvania  EST
    They granted William Pen. William Markham takes posseion of upland. Philidelphia estlablished with a grid streets planned. The importance is that Pennsylvania was made.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    S.W.T began in 1692 after a group of girls from salem village said they were possesed by Satan. Also they were accused of witch craft. More than 20 people were put to death. It was important because they killed iocent people and they didnt have a say so.
  • French & Indian war

    French & Indian war
    It was best known as the 7 year war. France and Britin fought over the Ohio River. Which they declared war in 1756. It was important because it made the city of pitsburge offical.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The British put taxes on sugar and mallases. It is important because it was show how probably the British treated us.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    It was passed by British Parlament on March 22nd. They out a tax on just about anything from paper to playing cards. It was important because...The stamp helped for money. And the riots were starting to rise for relaiation,
  • Quatering Act

    Quatering Act
    This was the act that states colonist would have to house soilders. The importance is that we no longer have to house soliders it is a part of our constatution.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston  Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was when a group of people were ranting about what the british had done. So one of the men threw an object at a soldier so they fired on innocent men. It was imoportant because Boston had repealed all taxes execpt for tea.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act was when the british put a tax on our tea. The importance was that it caused a huge role in the Road to independence.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    1773 the year of the tea tax. The British raised tax high on there tea. So the suns of liberty dumped the British tea in the Boston Harrbor. The Boston tea party is important because it added more reasons for the US to become independent. It also started the reble stage.
  • Winter Valley Forge

    Winter Valley Forge
    Lowest point for them. Washington and his troops marched to valley forge.They camped in log cabins (very very cold if I might add.) 1/3 of the American soliders died but the rest were whiped into shape by Fredrick Ronstubin. It was very important because after the army being whiped into shape they beat the British.
  • Battle Of Saratoga

    Battle Of Saratoga
    It was the turning point for the North. It was a very important battle because it gave hope to the troops. It was important because it got our groups to stop being depressed.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This was the turning point of the North. It was avery important battle because it gave hope to our troops. It was important because it got our groups to stop being down in the dumps and to win.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Thats when the Revolutionary war ended. The american independence started contintal congress 5 people to negotiate a treaty.
    It was important because we are free americans.
  • Lewis and Clark Expectation

    Lewis and Clark Expectation
    The area they explored was part of the Louisiana purchase. It is important because dubbled the the sized of the US.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Trial of tears was indian passing when the removal act was put into force. It was important because it was one of the attempts by the whites to remove the Natives from there homes by force.
  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
    Andrew Jackson forced the indians to move west. It is important because they opend up room for the South West to be colonized.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Trail of tears was indian passing when indian removal act was put into forve. It was important because it was one of the attempts by the whites to remove the Native
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    In 1846 a group of emigrants headed wast from Illinois. The people who led are George Donner and his brother. They wanted to take a shorter route to California they had a delay and ended up in a snow storm.They did canibolism and only half the group servived. This was important (disturbing) because it happend during a very important time of history. It was to explore the new land and to exstend countries-acess (if youd call it that). It was a very long journey.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush started in Sacramento valley in 1848. The news spread everywhere. Thousands of miners came by travils over seas or by riding. The population that time was 1oo,ooo people. The Gold Rush ended in 1852 when gold was harder to get to/ran out. It was important because at the time Cali was not apart of the US. So the ended up claming the middle of the North America.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The Gold Rush started in Sacramento valley in 1848. The new spread everywhere.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    There were five laws passed that conciset of slavery. In 1849 California asked to enter the Union as a free state. It was important because they established a government in New Mexico.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    Uncle Toms Cabin is a book writen by Harriet Stowe Beecher to show what happens to slaves and how they feel. It was important because it started a huge conrtavercy against the North and the South.
  • Roanoke Colonization Attempt

    Roanoke Colonization Attempt
    It was the 1st attempt on what is now America. It is important to us because it shows we were hed strong.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The underground railroad was a vast group of people that helped slaves esacpe by giving them routes and places to hide from ther owners. It was important because this helped the slaves get away.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The act of this is that is freed almost all the slaves. This is important because this freed the slaves from bondage.
  • Linclon's Assassination

    Linclon's Assassination
    Prez Linclon was killed with a gun wound at fords theater. The murdure was named John Wilkes Booth. It was a huge devistation to the US.
    It was important because the death shocked the entire country.