Tomas edison

Thomas Edison

  • Born

    Thomas Edison was born February 11,1847 in Ohio.
  • 1856-Love for Experimenting

    First, Thomas Edison loved experimenting so much that he turned his basement into a lab.
  • 1856-Gets Sick

    He has scarlet fever and this ruined his hearing.
  • 1856-Taught by his mom

    Then, three months after he had scarlet fever his mom homeschooled him.
  • 1859-Gets a Job

    He loved experimenting so much that he needed to get a job so he could have money for his lab. He got a job as a newspaper boy.
  • 1869-Moved to New York

    First, he moved to New York. Then, he had a lab in New Jersey. Later, his mom died.
  • 1876-Inventions

    He invented the phonograph. After that he invented the lightbulb and many more inventions.
  • Death

    October 18,1931.