Time line of emails

  • 1971

    A computer engineer named Ray Tomlinson who worked the company Bolt Beranek and Newman, devloped a system for sending messages between computers that use the @ symbol to identify adresses. The system hained popularity by linking users on the Arpnet (americas department of defence)
  • 1972

    Larry Roberts writes the first email managemant program thta develops the ablity to list, select, forward, and respond to messages
  • 1976

    Queen Elizabeth II sends an email message on Arpnet , thus becomeing the first head of state to do so
  • 1978

    The First electronically sent advertisement goes out over a network of government and university computers. TCIP/IP was developed by Danny Cohen, David Reed and john shoch
  • 1982

    The word Email was copyrighted by Shiva Ayyuduria. This was at a time when email was in its "wildwest" stage where is was new and open right for the taking.
  • 1988

    Steve Dorner creates Eudora, the first commercial product widely used for reading and sending email on LANS. This was a major developent causeing the spread of the commercial use of emails.
  • 1989

    Compuserve and MCI Mail beomce the first formally sanctioned email carriers connected to the internet.
  • 1991

    The first release of the lotus notes email client. It is still currently in use but rebranded as IBM notes
  • Period: to

    A large amount of email clients launched

    In this time period the following clients where launched:
    Microsoft outlook - 1992 : made to compeate with Lotus notes
    AOL- 1993: another competitor
    Echomail-1995: first intergrate email management system to help business handle large volimes of emails
    Hotmail - 1996: launched to compeat becomes most used internet based email
    Yahoo mail- 1997: the alternative to hotmail
  • 1999

    Blackberry makes accesing emails form mobile phones posssible.
  • 2003

    George bush signs the CAN-SPAM act, the first national standards for sending commercial emails. This was crucial to tone down on the amount of advertisments that where sent to peoples emails.
  • 2005

    SPF released to validate email addresses to control SPAM emails.
    This was due to the problem of there being lots of SPAM emails going around and taking up space on peoples computers and mail servers.
  • 2007

    Gmail was relesed and is now one of the most used emails to date.
  • 2009

    The iphone is released and with its wifi capabiltys it makes reading emails on the far more accesible to the general public.