Baby 3 (1)

Toddlers timeline project by juan direction and steven mayweather :D

  • Baby is born yay!!!!!!

    Baby is born yay!!!!!!
    Baby Floyd Moneymaker is born in canada with a gold spoon in his mouth. :D
  • Floyds physcial development

    Floyds physcial development
    . pulls self up and stands
    . steps with support
    . picks up things with thumb and one finger
    . bang two blocks together or stack them
    . sit down without help
  • cognitive development

    cognitive development
    . May say two or more words
    .uses gestures to communicate
    .babbles with expressions
    .responds to own name
    .loves to mimic adults
  • physical development

    physical development
    .walk, runs a little
    . climbs up or down one stair
    .partially feeds self
    .can squat down
    . jumps with both feet
  • cognitive development

    cognitive development
    .short attention span
    .says no alot
    .obeys commands
    .refers to self by name
    .identifies simple pictures in books (ex: balls , dogs)
  • Physical development

    Physical development
    .loves to ruin and jump
    .holds two in hands easily
    .can kick large ball without stepping on it
    . can fold a piece a paper
    . starts to favor one hand over the other
  • cognitive development

    cognitive development
    .can remeber objects without seeing them
    .can speak back
    . constantly asks whats that
    .matches sounds to the animals
    . learns to distingush sounds and smells
  • physical development

    physical development
    . walks sideways and backwards with ease
    .can throw a ball into a basket
    . throws ball over head
    . likes to play with molding clay
    . can hold crayon with thumb and forefinger
  • cognitive development

    cognitive development
    . is curious about objects and the environment
    . has vocabulary with 50 or more words
    . is interested in sounds
    . becomes interested in the outcome of activties rather than the outcome of the activities.
    . may be able to recall what is lost and where it might be
  • physical development

    physical development
    .Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops
    . cllimbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places
    .plays on swings, ladders and other playground equipment
    . can carefully turn pages of book one page at a time.
    . improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    They like putting puzzles together
    They loves mimicking adults
    They like watching adults
  • Physical development

    Physical development
    . likes to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backward
    .enjoys games involving running
    . jumps from any elevated object, sometimes miscalculating height
    .catches large ball with arms and hands out straight
    . Takes objects apart and puts them back together
  • Cognitive development

    Cognitive development
    . Begin to classify objects into general categories
    . becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
    . can remember and follow three-step commands
    . recognizes self in photographs
    . identifies familiar objects by touch