Pg toddler play ball full

Toddler Timeline

  • 12 months

    As your baby faces the massive challenge of learning to walk, he finds comfort and release in playtime.
    By 12-15 months, most toddlers can:
    Say a few words, perhaps including “daddy,” and “mommy,” and a few other words.
    Say “no!”
    Wave bye-bye, either to people or objects (for reasons experts are still trying to figure out why, babies wave “bye-bye” a lot more often than they wave “hello!”).
    Point to things to play with.
    Understand and respond to verbal commands.
  • Period: to

    Physical and cognitive areas of development

    12 months to 36 months
  • 13 months

    As the world begins to open up, your toddler does too, so get ready for a smorgasbord of emotions and behaviors. By 12-15 months, most toddlers can:
    Say a few words, perhaps including “daddy,” and “mommy,” and a few other words.
    Say “no!”
    Wave bye-bye, either to people or objects (for reasons experts are still trying to figure out why, babies wave “bye-bye” a lot more often than they wave “hello!”).
    Point to things to play with or look at.
    Understand and respond to verbal commands.
  • 14 months

    No! If you haven't yet heard that simple word from your toddler's lips, get ready — it's coming. By 12-15 months, most toddlers can:
    Say a few words, perhaps including “daddy,” and “mommy,” and a few other words.
    Say “no!”
    Wave bye-bye, either to people or objects (for reasons experts are still trying to figure out why, babies wave “bye-bye” a lot more often than they wave “hello!”).
    Point to things to play with or look at.
    Understand and respond to verbal commands.
  • 15 months

    Wow, that cute little bundle of emotions can now express pleasure, playfulness…and protests. By 12-15 months, most toddlers can:
    Say a few words, perhaps including “daddy,” and “mommy,” and a few other words.
    Say “no!”
    Wave bye-bye, either to people or objects (for reasons experts are still trying to figure out why, babies wave “bye-bye” a lot more often than they wave “hello!”).
    Point to things to play with or look at.
    Understand and respond to verbal commands.
  • 16 months

    Who knew such a tiny person could have such a big stubborn streak?By 16-19 months, most toddlers can:
    Say at least a few separate, distinct words and have between 20-50 words overall
    Recite the names of familiar household objects (TV, chair, table, etc.)
    Follow simple commands like “come here,” “sit in your chair” or “don’t do that”
    Imitate you when you laugh, sneeze, or make a gesture
    Recognize themselves in mirrors, videos, and snapshots
  • 17 months

    Chances are your little devil has developed some naughty new habits. (Break out the earplugs!) By 16-19 months, most toddlers can:
    Say at least a few separate, distinct words and have between 20-50 words overall
    Recite the names of familiar household objects (TV, chair, table, etc.)
    Follow simple commands like “come here,” “sit in your chair” or “don’t do that”
    Imitate you when you laugh, sneeze, or make a gesture
    Recognize themselves in mirrors, videos, and snapshots
  • 18 months

    Little ones start to understand limits around now — but that doesn't mean they follow them.By 16-19 months, most toddlers can:
    Say at least a few separate, distinct words and have between 20-50 words overall
    Recite the names of familiar household objects (TV, chair, table, etc.)
    Follow simple commands like “come here,” “sit in your chair” or “don’t do that”
    Imitate you when you laugh, sneeze, or make a gesture
    Recognize themselves in mirrors, videos, and snapshots
  • 19 months

    Give her plenty of time and space to do her thing. By 16-19 months, most toddlers can:
    Say at least a few separate, distinct words and have between 20-50 words overall
    Recite the names of familiar household objects (TV, chair, table, etc.)
    Follow simple commands like “come here,” “sit in your chair” or “don’t do that”
    Imitate you when you laugh, sneeze, or make a gesture
    Recognize themselves in mirrors, videos, and snapshots
  • 20 months

    Life can be pretty scary sometimes, especially for little ones. To the rescue: you!

    Know up to 50 words, although they won’t enunciate them perfectly.
    Speak in short, simple sentences (“I want book,” “What doing?” etc.).
    Repeat words spoken by other people.
    Refer to themselves by name.
    Sing familiar songs, although usually garbling the words.
    Count two or three separate objects.
    Point to various body parts when prompted (“where are your ears?” “Where is your nose?”).
  • 21 months

    A preference for "boy" or "girl" stuff may soon emerge as toddlers continue to express their individuality. Know up to 50 words, although they won’t enunciate them perfectly.
    Speak in short, simple sentences (“I want book,” “What doing?” etc.).
    Repeat words spoken by other people.
    Refer to themselves by name.
    Sing familiar songs, although usually garbling the words.
    Count two or three separate objects.
    Point to various body parts when prompted (“where are your ears?” ).
  • 22 months

    Look out! Your little powder keg may be about to blow! 20-24 months, most toddlers can:
    Know up to 50 words, although they won’t enunciate them perfectly.
    Speak in short, simple sentences (“I want book,” “me have dinner,” “What doing?” etc.).
    Repeat words spoken by other people.
    Refer to themselves by name.
    Sing familiar songs, although usually garbling the words.
    Count two or three separate objects.
    Point to various body parts when prompted (“where are your ears?” ).
  • 23 months

    Where do you think you're going, Mom? That may be the message your toddler sends (loudly and/or tearfully) every time you try to leave her side.
    Know up to 50 words, although they won’t enunciate them perfectly.
    Speak in short, simple sentences (“I want book,” “What doing?” etc.).
    Repeat words spoken by other people.
    Refer to themselves by name.
    Sing familiar songs, although usually garbling the words.
    Count two or three separate objects.
    Point to various body parts when prompted
  • 24 months

    Talk about emotional! Two-year-olds are famous for their over-the-top expressions of love and pleasure as well as anger and frustration.
    Know up to 50 words, although they won’t enunciate them perfectly.
    Speak in short, simple sentences (“I want book,” “What doing?” etc.).
    Repeat words spoken by other people.
    Refer to themselves by name.
    Sing familiar songs, although usually garbling the words.
    Count two or three separate objects.
    Point to various body parts when prompted.
  • 25 months

    25-Month-Old Child
    With so many new things to see and learn, toddlers find comfort in the predictability of a steady routine.akes off clothes
    Washes hands (needs help with drying)
    Speaks clearly most of the time
    Names several body parts
    Brushes teeth with help
    Draws vertical line
    Builds a tower out of three or four building bricks
    Puts on clothes Throws a ball overarm
  • 26 months

    26-Month-Old Child
    It's a good thing toddlers are so cute — it may be the only reason parents can tolerate all that whining!akes off clothes
    Washes hands (needs help with drying)
    Speaks clearly most of the time
    Names several body parts
    Brushes teeth with help
    Draws vertical line
    Builds a tower out of three or four building bricks
    Puts on clothes Throws a ball overarm
  • 27 months

    27-Month-Old Child
    Toddlers may not get it right the first (or second or third) time, but practicing good manners and politeness is well worth the effort. Speaks clearly most of the time
    Builds a tower out of several bricks
    Draws vertical line
    Puts on clothes Balances on one foot
    Jumps up off the ground
  • 28 months

    28-Month-Old Child
    Nurturing the arts won't guarantee you'll raise a Mozart or Michelangelo, but it will ensure that your child gets to exercise his inborn creative muscle. Speaks clearly most of the time
    Builds a tower out of several bricks
    Draws vertical line
    Puts on clothes Balances on one foot
    Jumps up off the ground
  • 29 months

    29-Month-Old Child
    While her skill set may be limited, your toddler's desire to do everything "by myself!" knows no bounds.Brushes teeth with help
    Draws a vertical line
    Puts on T-shirt
    Washes hands (needs help with drying)
    Balances on one foot
    Names one colour
    Names one friend
  • 30 months

    30-Month-Old Child
    While your little helper can't vacuum the rug or do the laundry, he can assist with lots of household chores and feel quite capable in the process.Brushes teeth with help
    Draws a vertical line
    Puts on T-shirt
    Washes hands (needs help with drying)
    Balances on one foot
    Names one colour Names one friend
  • 31 months

    31-Month-Old Child
    Got a toddler? Then odds are you've got a picky eater on your hands!Builds a tower of six building bricks
    Puts on a T-shirt
    Calls a friend by his name
    Names at least six body parts
    Balances on each foot for a second Throws ball overarm
    Brushes teeth with supervision
    Uses two adjectives
  • 32 months

    32-Month-Old Child
    Friends come in all shapes and sizes, but learning how to be a good one definitely takes some practice.Builds a tower of six building bricks
    Puts on a T-shirt
    Calls a friend by his name
    Names at least six body parts
    Balances on each foot for a second Throws ball overarm
    Brushes teeth with supervision
    Uses two adjectives
  • 33 months

    33-Month-Old Child
    Rewards and bribes are powerful tools when it comes to coaxing your toddler to comply, but tread lightly, Mom. Names one colour
    Builds a tower of eight building bricks
    Completely toilet trained during the day
    Carries on a conversation of two to three sentences
    Uses prepositions (e.g. on, in, over)
    Wiggles thumb
    Names at least four pictures in a book
    Speaks clearly most of the time
    Expresses a wide range of emotions
  • 34 months

    34-Month-Old Child
    If they haven't already, lots of toddlers are ready to relinquish the afternoon nap as they approach the three-year mark. Names one colour
    Builds a tower of eight building bricks
    Completely toilet trained during the day
    Carries on a conversation of two to three sentences
    Uses prepositions (e.g. on, in, over)
    Wiggles thumb
    Names at least four pictures in a book
    Speaks clearly most of the time
    Expresses a wide range of emotions
  • 35 months

    35-Month-Old Child
    That little sponge of a brain is ready to soak up all sorts of knowledge. Your job: Keep the learning fun and the pressure off Names one colour
    Builds a tower of eight building bricks
    Completely toilet trained during the day
    Carries on a conversation of two to three sentences
    Uses prepositions (e.g. on, in, over)
    Wiggles thumb
    Names at least four pictures in a book
    Speaks clearly most of the time
    Expresses a wide range of emotions