Unit 4 Timeline

  • Election of 1800

    It was a intense election because Thoms Jeferson, Aaron Burr, and John Adams were runnig for president. This election was very intense because Joohn Aams, and Thomas Jefferson were good friends, but this election seperated them. This election was a tie, and it was taken to Congress. Each candidate convinced why Jefferson is the better option, in which they voted for Jefferson. This led Jefferson to becom the next president of the United States.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    Free Sea and Trade- They did not want to go to war, but Britain and France kept seizing their ships. They just wanted peaceful trade, Also Britain kept imprisoning AMericans an forcing them to serve in their navy. Violation of neutral Rights- America wanted to stay neural nd out of conflict because they were new. They did not have the money nor power to get into any wr, so they distance themselves. Of cruse, Britain and France kept pushing them and violating the rules. It ended in a stalemate.
  • Missouri Compromise

    After the Louisianna Territory was purchased, many people started to occupy those places. Many people started to move westward, and make homes. After some years, a part of the terrirtory wanted to beocme a state. The problem was if Missoui was going to be a slave or free state. Therefore, congress decide to make Missouri a slave state, but could not buy any more slaves. They also cut Massachusettes,and named it Maine, which was now a free state.
  • Indian Removal ACt

    In 1830 Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act and relocated them to the west of the Mississippi.Georgia wanted to remove the Cherokees and the Cherokee took it to the Supreme Court. In a second case of Worcester V Georgia 1832, Supreme Court said Georgia had no right to remove them. The president didn’t enforce the law because he was more in favor with Georgia. The US army forces 15000 Cherokees to leave their lands and move to the west. The hardship caused 4000 cherokees to die.
  • Period: to

    Panic of 1837

    Once Van Biden took office he faced a depression and many banks closing. Even though this was happened x Van Biden still didn’t find the national bank. The whiggs blamed the democrats for not knowing any finance and failing the economy. Jefferson spent his days never funding the national abnk and smaller banks printing money. He spent trying to get people moving to the west,a nd debts started to rise, which doomed the economy.
  • Marbury V. Madison

    In 1803, the court case started because Jefferson told Madison to not give commissions to William Marbury. Marbury sued and Marshall ruled that Marbury had a right to his commission. Of course Marshal said that the act is unconstitutional because the SUpreme COurt had too much power, so Marbury didn't receive his commission. The Judicial branch could not overrule the president and congres, but they had the power to decide what was and wasnt unconstitutional