Western Timeline

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    Daniel Boone

    Daniel Boone is one of the most widely known American frontiersmen. Boone’s fame rests primarily upon his exploration and settlement of Kentucky. He was first in eastern Kentucky in 1767, but his expedition of 1769-1771 is more widely known. With a small party Boone advanced along the Warrior’s Path into an Edenic region. When the time came for the party to return he remained behind in the wilderness until March 1771. On the way home, he and his brother were robbed by Indians of their deerskins
  • Eli Whitney invented cotton gin

    the cotton gin sped up the process of taking away seeds from cotton
  • Manifest Destiny

    when the U.S. expanded from coast to coast. helped western settlement, native american removal, and war with mexico.
  • Marcus and Narcissa Whitman

    missionaries in the 19th century.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    a land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    the first American expedition to cross the west part of the U.S.
  • War of 1812

    a military conflict that lasted for two and a half years, fought by the United States of America against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, its North American colonies, and its Native American allies. it was caused over trading
  • John Fremont

    an American military officer, explorer, and politician who became the first candidate of the anti-slavery Republican Party for the office of President of the United States
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    Texas Revolution

    when mexican colonies in texas rebelled against the mexican government
  • The Oregon Trail

    The 2,200-mile east-west trail served as a critical transportation route for emigrants traveling from Missouri to Oregon and other points west during the mid-1800s
    the 2,200 mile trail was an important transportation route for emigrants going from missouri to oregon and other places during the mid 1800's
  • Indian Removal/Trail of Tears

    in 1838 and 1839, Andrew Jackson made an indian removal policy. The cherokee nationt had to give up its lands lands and move to Oklahoma
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    The Battle of Little Bighorn

    marked the most decisive Native American victory and the worst U.S. Army defeat in the long Plains Indian War.
  • The Donner Party

    the donner party was a group of American pioneers led by George Donner and James F. Reed who went to California in a wagon train.
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    The Mexican War

    the first major conflict that came from the Manifest Destiny. the belief that America had a God-given right to expand the country's borders from sea to shining sea
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    The California Gold Rush

    when gold was found
  • The Massacre at Wounded Knee

    The Massacre at Wounded Knee
    the Sioux chief Big Foot and about 350 of his followers camped on the banks of Wounded Knee creek