WHAP: AMSCO 11 Stearns 8, 14

  • 668

    Korea wins Independence from Tang

    Korea is constantly under China’s shadow and is greatly influenced by them.
  • 939

    Vietnam wind independence from China

    Vietnam was also under influence of China, so this was a big deal for them.
  • Period: 973 to 1050

    Life of al-Biruni

    Al-Biruni was a scientist, at this time science began to be more advanced and a bigger part of life.
  • 998

    Beginning of Ghazni raids into western India

    Mahmud Ghazni raided India 17 times for their wealth.
  • Period: 1038 to 1123

    Life of Omar Khayyam

    Omar Khayyam was a scientist and a poet.
  • Period: 1058 to 1111

    Life of al-Ghazali

    Al-Ghazali was philosopher and scientist.
  • 1206

    EST. Of Delhi Sultanate in India

    The Delhi Sultanate was a powerful kingdom that gave great power to the sultan.
  • Period: 1231 to 1392

    Mogol rule in Korea

    The Mongols were extremely powerful in Asia at this time.
  • Period: 1279 to 1368

    Mongol rule in China

    This shows just how powerful the Mongols were.
  • 1290

    Beginning of the spread of Islam in south-East Asia

    Islam was debatably culturally influencing, and also very important pretty much all over the world.