Black and white flowers

Word War Two

  • Gas Chambers Were Made

    Gas Chambers Were Made
    The natizs gained more controll in the concentration camps so they were able to kill entire groups of people.
  • Hitler took Czechoslovakia

    Hitler took Czechoslovakia
    Hitler took Austria and Czechoslovakia, When he took over he killed many undesirables, the most in one area.
  • Euthanasia Program

    Euthanasia Program
    Euthanasia Program was when Hitler started to kill all kids under five showing any kind of disability.
  • Hitler attacked Poland

    Hitler attacked Poland
    Hitler attacked Poland then France and England declared war on Germany. This is a big part of history because people were standing up to Germany and Hitler.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
  • The Tuskegee Airmen

    The Tuskegee Airmen
    The tuskegee airmen were the first all black fighter pilots. nobody wanted to fly with them but they ended being the best ones around! they also broke many records and never crashed once!
  • Hitler

    Hitler invades Russia.
  • Rosie The Riviter

    Rosie The Riviter
    Rosie the Riveter was a big part of women's rights she showed that women can be strong and just as good as men.
  • State of the Union Addres

    State of the Union Addres
    State of the Union Address explains the four freedoms, Freedom of speech and expression, Freedom of worship, Freedom from want, Freedom from fear.
  • Code Talkers

    Code Talkers
    Code talkers were navajo and they helped very much during the war. They used a secret code using their language and sent messages for the military
  • The Four Freedoms

    The Four Freedoms
    The four freedoms
    Worship, to believe in whatever you want and not be fearful that you will get hurt.
    Want, to have the essentials to survive.
    Fear, to sleep and not be scared that your government is going to get attacked in the night.
    Speech, to say what you want to say and not be fearful for your life.
  • Einstein

    Albert Einstein was a Jewish refugee and helped look into an atomic bomb. he helped so much with the atomic bomb and we would not be able to do it without him.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    1933-1945 The Holocaust was a very sad time. This was when Hitler started killing undesirables and putting them in concentration camps.
  • Suicide

    Hitler commits suicide.