
World War II Timeline

  • Hitler becomes the head of the Nazi Socialist Party

    He sent two truckloads of party supporters to drive around with swastikas, using a tactic that would eventually become common within German controlled terratorries to cause commotion. This was the first time this tactic was used by the Nazis. Hitler was already drawing attention outside of the Nazi party due to his loud, previously unheard statements the Treaty of Versailles, other politicians like the Marxists, and always the Jews.
  • Period: to

    WWII Timeline

  • The Day "Meine Kampf" is Published

  • Nazi seats within the federal elections increase

    The Nazi seats of power increase from 12 seats all the way up to 102 in the federal elections. This made them the second largest party within the electtion, next to the Democratic Party of Germany.
  • Enabling Act Gives Power to Hitler

    The Enabling Act gave Hitler full dictorial power, but on the day of the vote; Hitler had his storm troopers storm the the Reichstag building; forcing the German government to sign the bill. They then burned the Reichstag building and blamed the 'attack' on communists.
  • Nazi's Begin Burning Books in Germany

  • Hitler becomes the Fuhrer of Germany

  • Kristallnacht - The Night of the Broken Glass

    Thousands of Jewish shops were destroye and many jews were murdered; it is/was considered one of the worst persecutions against Jewsish people. Many windows were broken that night, hence the name 'Kristallnacht'.
  • U.S. Proclaims Neutrality

  • Rossevelt Signs the Lend-Lease Act

    The lend lease act was passed in march 1941 and was the principal means for providing any United States military assistance to any nation during World War II. It enabled the president to lend weapons/money/etc. to the "...government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States."
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

  • Wansee Meeting

    Also known as the 'Final Solution' to the Jew problem in Germany during 1942, was the plan to mass exterminate Jewish population in German control, instead of fighting the Allies/Russians on different fronts.
  • Mass Murder of Jewish People at Auschwitz