WW2 Events

  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
  • Axis powers

    Axis powers
    Germany, Italy, Japan form a pact
  • Wannsee Conference - When the “Final Solution” was decided

    Wannsee Conference - When the “Final Solution” was decided
    The Nazi's had the Jew's killed because they could not put them all on Madagascar
  • Germany and Austria

    Germany and Austria
    Germany annexes Austria. on march 13 1938
  • Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France

    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France
    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France all sign a Appeasement
  • Germany back-stabs the rest of Europe

    Germany back-stabs the rest of Europe
    Germany breaks the Appeasement and take´s over Czechoslovakia
  • Germany and the Soviet Union

    Germany and the Soviet Union
    Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact
  • Germany and Poland

    Germany and Poland
    Germany invades Poland
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    Honoring their support of Poland, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany after they take over Poland.
  • Period: to

    Phony War

    The Phony was is when Britain and France declared war on Germany
  • Kristallnacht

    THE NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS Nazi's burning down synagogues and braking into store's
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    France lost the battle with Germany
  • operation sea lion

    operation sea lion
    operation sea lion was used by the British
  • Battle of Britain begins

    Battle of Britain begins
    Britain and Germany finely start the war
  • Operation Sea Lion called off/End of Battle of Britain

    Operation Sea Lion called off/End of Battle of Britain
    Britain wins the battle against Germany
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    Japan bombs the U.S. Navy,Army, and Air-force in a surprise attack