
  • First Use of Nuclear Submarine

    USS Nautilus was world’s first nuclear submarine invented by Hyman Rickover. This submarine could remain underwater for extended periods of time.
  • 1956 Presidential Election

    President Eisenhower defeats Democratic candidate Adlai E. Stevenson. This was the 2nd time he lost to Eisenhower.
  • 1960 Presidential Election

    Republican Richard Nixon barely lost to Democrat John F. Kennedy. Kennedy was the youngest and also the first Roman Catholic ever elected.
  • Bay of Pigs

    A failed US attack to push out Fidel Castro from Cuban power.
  • Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

    Was shot in Dallas while in a motorcade on a campaign visit. Lee Harvey Oswald was the one who fired the shot that killed the President.
  • 1964 Presidential Election

    President Lyndon B. Johnson defeated Republican Barry Goldwater in one of the largest defeats in history.
  • US Enters the Vietnam War

    First Marines land in Danang to join the war effort.
  • Martin Luther King Assassinated

    While in a hotel room in Memphis, MLK was shot by a sniper bullet fired by James Earl Ray.
  • 1968 Presidential Election

    Republican Richard Nixon defeats Hubert Humphrey the Democratic Candidate. It was not a close race.
  • Landed on the Moon

    American astronauts Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were the first people ever to land on the moon. A few hours later, Neil Armstrong was the first to actually walk on the moon.