1990-1999 Computer Technology

  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    December of 1990 an english programmer and physicist Tim Berners-Lee submits has a prototyped “WorldWideWeb” (as he writes it) in just three months on an advanced NeXT computer. It features a server, HTML, URLs, and the first browser.
  • JPEG

    In 1992 a group of international standards organizations spun-off the Joint Photographic Expert Group Also Know as (JPEG).JPEG compression allows for a trade-off between photo quality and file size. JPEG is one of the most popular image formats, and is the format most widely used by digital cameras.
  • Compact Flash

    Compact Flash
    Compact Flash was introduced and became a Preferred memory storage for many people. It was very popular for digital stills or videos cameras. CompactFlash remains popular and is supported by many professional devices and high-end consumer devices to this day.
  • DVD

    Digital Video Disc (DVD) format was released and has a huge storage capacity over CD. DVDs came in both read-only and read-write formats, and were widely adopted in the film industry for consumer releases of movies. Its better audio and video quality, interactivity, and improved lifespan effectively rendered the VHS format obsolete.
  • Consumer GPU

    Consumer GPU
    Nvidia Released what is thought to be the first consumer GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) known as the GeForce 256. While expensive, it sold extremely well. The GeForce 256 was designed to relieve the pressure on the central processing unit (CPU) by handling graphics calculations, while the CPU processed non-graphics intensive tasks.