Andfghne frank row rex

Anne Frank

  • Anne Frank birth

    Anne Frank birth
    Anne Frank was born to Otto and Edith Frank in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany and the first anti-Jewish laws are established.
  • Anne, Edith, and Margot move to Amsterdam

    Anne, Edith, and Margot move to Amsterdam
    Anne, Edith, and Margot move into Amsterdam with Otto. Otto finds a job at Opekta Workstand and an apartment.
  • World War II is declared

    New Zealand, Great Britain, France, and Austria declare war on Germany (World War II)
  • Anne recieves her diary

    Anne recieves her diary
    Otto Frank gives Anne an autograph book for her 13th birthday which she uses as her diary.
  • Margot is ordered for relocation

    Margot is ordered for relocation
    Margot is ordered to be sent to a Nazi Germany labour camp. If Margot doesn’t register, the whole family will be arrested. This forces the family to have to go into hiding earlier.
  • The Franks go into hiding

    The Franks go into hiding
    The Frank family goes into hiding above the spice factory. Otto Frank leaves a note suggesting they escaped to Switzerland. They leave behind almost everything, including their cat. Some of Mr. Frank's employees agree to help them.
  • Van Pels join the Franks in the annex

    Van Pels join the Franks in the annex
    The business partner of Otto Frank, Hermann Van Pels (Van Daan), and his family Auguste and Peter Van Pels join the Franks in the "secret annex"
  • Fritz Pfeffer joins the annex

    Fritz Pfeffer joins the annex
    Fritz Pfeffer (Dussel) leaves behind his non-Jewish wife and joins the Franks and the Van Pels in the annex.
  • The members of the annex are sent to Westerbork Transit Camp

    The members of the annex are sent to Westerbork Transit Camp
    All the members of the "Secret Annex" are sent to Westerbork Transit Camp for 4 weeks. They're assigned to hard labor as criminals for being in hiding.
  • The people of the annex are sent to Auschwitz

    The people of the annex are sent to Auschwitz
    The people of the annex are packed into a cattle car along with other Jewish people and sent to Auschwitz. Upon arrival, the men and women are seperated.
  • Anne writes the final entry in her diary

    Anne writes the final entry in her diary
  • The reisdents of the "Secret Annex" are captured

    The reisdents of the "Secret Annex" are captured
    The German Security Police storm the annex with an anonymous tip. All the members of the "Secret Annex" were arrested, taken to Gestapo headquarter, and held overnight.
  • Mr. Van Pels dies

    Mr. Van Pels dies
    Hermann Van Pels dies in a gas chamber in Auschwitz.
  • Relocated to Bergen-Belsen

    Relocated to Bergen-Belsen
    Magot, Anne, and Mrs. Van Pels (Van Daan) are relocated to Bergen Belsen concentration camp. Edith Frank remains at Auschwitz.
  • Edith Frank dies

    Edith Frank dies
    Edith Frank dies alone from starvation in Auschwitz
  • Russian Allies liberate Auschwitz

    Russian Allies liberate Auschwitz
    The Russian Allies liberate the remaining survivors of Auschwitz, as well as Otto Frank.
  • Anne and Margot die

    Anne and Margot die
    Anne and Margot die in Bergen-Belsen within a weeks span from eachother from Typhus.
  • Peter Van Pels dies

    Peter Van Pels dies
    Between April 11th and May 5th Peter dies in Mauthausen concentration camp.
  • Mrs. Van Pels dies

    Mrs. Van Pels dies
    Mrs. Auguste Van Pels dies between April 9th and May 8th 1945 somewhere in Germany and Czechoslovakia. Guards throw her infront of the train while being deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp.
  • Otto Frank returns to Amsterdam

    Otto Frank returns to Amsterdam
    Otto Frank return to Amsterdam with knowledge of Mrs. Frank and Mr. Van Pels' passing but no word of Anne or Margot
  • Mr. Frank learns of Margot and Anne's deaths

    Mr. Frank learns of Margot and Anne's deaths
    Mr. Frank learns from a Bergen-Belsen nurse of Margot and Anne's deaths. Miep Gies gives Mr. Frank Anne's diary.
  • Anne's Diary is published

    Anne's Diary is published
    Otto Frank agrees to publish Anne's diary in 1947