Ashley's Timeline

By s23609
  • Birth

    I was born.
  • Trust vs. Mistrust

    My parents took care of me as a baby and I got enough nutrients and such so I developed basic trust.
  • Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt

    When I turned 3 I was supposed to move up to the 3 years old sunday school class at church but my dad taught the 2 year old class and moving on scared me so I stayed with my dad.
  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    When I went to preschool I was really scared of this girl named Kate and I had to sit by her one day so I pretended to be sick so I could go home.
  • Competence vs. Inferiority

    Competence vs. Inferiority
    I learned how to read really fast so I always felt smart in school.
  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    In first grade I met my best friend Cecile and we hung out and had play dates.
  • Identity vs. Role Confusion

    Freshman year I ran XC/ Track and I loved it and felt involved in school and like part of the "athletic crowd"
  • Identity vs. Isolation

    Identity vs. Isolation
    Freshman and Sophomore years I was/am in marching band. That group feels like my family and I probably feel most accepted there.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    I get married
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Generativity vs. Stagnation
    I run my 25th marathon. This one is for Breast Cancer Awareness (runs in my family)
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    I write a book and it inspires people
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Rescue Bailey Waddell from homelessness
  • Generativty vs. Stagnation

    Watch the Chiefs go to the super bowl and win
  • Integrity vs. Despair

    My husband dies and I am emotionally distraught
  • Death

    I die two days after my husband.