Autism Timeline

  • Eugen Bleuler

    Coined the term "autism" while working with withdrawn schizophrenic patients
  • Leo Kanner

    Child psychiatrist publishes one of the first papers on a study of 11 children accurately described as what he calls "early infantile autism".
  • Hans Asperger

    The German scientist described a condition of "milder" autism where children are withdrawn from social interaction and had specific obsessive interests.
  • Period: to

    Autism or Schizophrenia?

    At this time Autism was widely known as Childhood Schizophrenia
  • Lorna Wing

    Began researching/working with children and eventually produced findings of a spectrum.
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    Ole Ivar Lovaas

    Developed a method for 1:1 therapy for Autistic children involving intensive direct therapy in the home
  • Autism Society Founded

    by Bernard Rimland
  • Refigerator Moms

    Bruno Bettelheim popularized the theory that "refrigerator moms" caused autism by being cold to their children and not providing them with enough love and attention.
  • Period: to

    Autism or "Mental Retardation"?

    During this time many parents still confused Autism for psychosis or mental retardation.

    As a result of Eric Schopler's research the foundation was created
  • Twin Research

    Shows Autism is largely genetic and caused by biological differences in brain development. Thus, debunking myths of poor parenting resulting in Autism

    acknowledges "Infantile Autism" officially distinguishing it from Schizophrenia
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    Asperger's Research

    Translated into English and therefore came into knowledge

    Lays out a checklist criteria for Autism.
  • Special Education

    The federal government makes Autism a special education category.
  • Asperger's Recognized

    Officially recognized in the DSM
  • Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

    A study linking the two was published leading to people still believing this myth today despite it being debunked several times.
  • Thimersol Removed from vaccines

    Due to public fear over the debunked myth linking vaccines and Autism.
  • CDC

    Identified 1/110 children as having Autism.
  • DSMV

    Folded all sub categories into on umbrella term "ASD"