Jacques bertaux   prise du palais des tuileries   1793

Devonte Henson's French Revolutions

  • Jacques Necker

    Jacques Necker
    Jacques Necker was one of the possible answers to end the revolution because he wanted to reduce extravagance, spending and wanted to make the first and second estate start paying taxes. The first and second estate didn't want to pay so they ended up firing Jacques Necker.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The king got each estate representatives and they would write out cahiers, which are the problems they have. But the way they would all agree on something was with voting and the first and second estate would always win over the third estate because the would work together. So the ratio would always be 2-1 and the third estate would never get anything out of it.
  • Declaration of The Rights of Men

    Declaration of The Rights of Men
    The Declaration of The Rights of Men stated that all men are equal before law. It also stated that all had natural rights, liberty, property, and security.
  • Period: to

    Beginning of The French Revolution

    The revolution began when the society was split into three estates. The first estate was for the wealthy and they didn't pay taxes. The second estate was for people that had some wealth and also didn't have to pay taxes. The third estate was the poor and were the only estate that had to pay taxes. The revolution was for a better government and equal rights.
  • Napoleon's meteoric rise to power.

    Napoleon's meteoric rise to power.
    Napoleon was a successful general and was eventually elected to become the new emperor because the people felt like he would be the best for the job. He had become a member of the new governing body known as the consulate.
  • The Big Defeat: Russia

    The Big Defeat: Russia
    Napoleon and his 600,000 men invade Russia and the plan doesn't go as planned. Russia makes the Scorched Earth policy, which meant that whenever they were to leave land they would burn all that had remained so that Napoleon and his men couldn't use it. Winter comes and Napoleon retreats because they have no where to stay and they are attacked by Russia. Napoleon does return back to Paris but is now known as a failure, with a shattered reputation.