Exploration and Settlement

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus lands at Hispaniola in the Caribbean

    Columbus lands at Hispaniola in the Caribbean
    Columbus claims Hispaniola to be Spain and sights to Cuba referring to it as, Japan.
  • Jan 21, 1519

    Balboa "discovers" the pacific ocean in Panama

    Balboa "discovers" the pacific ocean in Panama
    Balboa sailed across the Isthmus of Panama and discovers the Pacific Ocean.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cotres conquers the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan

    Cotres conquers the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan
    Hernan Cortes invades Mexico in 1519 and conquers the Aztec empire at Tenochtitlan.
  • May 8, 1541

    De Soto explores the region between Florida and the Mississippi river

    De Soto explores the region between Florida and the Mississippi river
    Conquistador Hernando de Soto and his men become the first Europeans to discover the Mississippi river and cross it.
  • First permanent English settlement is founded in Jamestown, Virginia

    First permanent English settlement is founded in Jamestown, Virginia
    The Jamestown settlement is the first English settlement founded in Jamestown Virginia by the Virginia company of London.
  • Mayflower pilgrims found Plymouth colony in Massachusetts

    Mayflower pilgrims found Plymouth colony in Massachusetts
    Plymouth Colony was the first colony settlement in New England.
  • English Settlers defeat Native Americans in King Philips war

    English Settlers defeat Native Americans in King Philips war
    The last major move by the Native Americans to force the English settlers out, they fail.
  • France claims Mississippi River Valley and names it Louisiana

    France claims Mississippi River Valley and names it Louisiana
    Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle, claims the Mississippi River valley and names it Louisiana in honour of his king.