French Revolution

  • The privileged estates(Second estate)

    The second estate was made up of rich nobles, they were only 2% and yet owned 20% of land with almost no taxes.
  • The Third estate

    About 97% of the population belonged to this estate.There were 3 groups that made up this estate and were differed due to their economical conditions.
    The first group was bourgeoisie or middle class these were bankers, factory owners, merchants and skilled artisans.They were well educated and believed in enlightenment's idea of equality.
  • The privileged estates(First estate).

    The social and political system of France, the old regime remained in place.Under this system, people were divided into 3 large social classes or estates.
    The privileged estate:Two of the estates had access had access to high offices and exemption from paying taxes, most of which were not granted to the third estates.The Roman catholic church whose clergy was formed the first estate had owned 10% of the land and provided free education to the poor and 2% it's. of income to the government
  • Enlightenment ideas

    New views about power and authority in government were spreading among the Third Estate.The third Revolution were inspired by the success of the American revolution. Soon they began questioning Nations about structure and society. Quoting Voltire and Rousseau, they began demanding equality, liberty and Democracy.
  • Economic troubles

    France's one prosperous economy was in decline. This caused alarm, particularly among all of the third estates.There were so many taxes that running business with profit was impossible, the cost of living was rising sharply. Bad weather had caused crop failures and shortage of grain. During the 1770s and 1780s France's Economy fell into dept. Louis had borrowed tons of money from kings and for the american revolutionaries.
    When bankers refused to lend money, Louise faced problems.
  • A weak leader

    Louis XVI was indecisive and allowed matters to drift He paid less attention to his government advisers, and had very less for the details of governing.The queen only added problems.She often interfered in the government and offered Louis a bad advices.Since she was member of the royal family of Austria which had long time enmity with France and her opinions made things worsen.Louis did not pay attention to the problem until he was poor. and the only option as to impose taxes on nobility.
  • The national assembly(Creation)

    The third estate were in eager to make changes in the government. They insisted that all three estates should indeed meet up and that each delegate have a vote. This gave advantage to the third state Estate, which had equivalent delegates as the other two estates combined. Siding with the nobles,the king ordered the Estates-General to follow the medieval rules. The delegates of the Third Estate, however, became more and more determined to wield power.
  • National assembly(Creation completion)

    A leading spokesperson supporting their viewpoint was a clergyman sympathetic to their cause, Emmanuel-Joseph sieves, In a dramatic speech, Sieyès suggested that the Third Estate delegates had named themselves the National assembly.
  • National assembly (ending1)

    The National assembly had passed laws and reforms in the very name of french people.After a long night of debate,the delegates of the Third Estate agreed to Sieyès’s idea by great amount of majority. On June 17,1789, they voted for the establishment of national assembly. in effect proclaiming the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government.
  • National assembly(ending 2)

    This vote was the surprisingly enough the deliberate first act of the revolution and Three days later, the Third Estate delegates saw themselves locked out of their meeting room.They had broken down a door to the indoor tennis court, pledging to stay until they had drawn up a new constitution.This pledge was
    very well known as the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Revolution brings reform and terror(Setting the stage)

    Peasants were not the only members of French society who had felt great fear. Nobles and the officers of the very Church both equally afraid. Throughout France, bands of angry peasants struck out against members of the upper classes, attacking and destroying many manor houses. In the summer of 1789 few months before the women’s march to Versailles some nobles and members of clergy in the National Assembly had indeed responded,answered back to the uprisings in an emotional late night meeting.
  • The tennis court oath

    Very soon after nobles and members of clergy who favored reformation had joined the third estate delegates.
    As a retort, response Louis had used military force to dismiss, put an to the national assembly.
  • Storming the bastille

    In France during this period rumors had spread that king Louis had used the military to dismiss the national assembly, others said that foreign troops were coming to Paris for the French citizens.Citizens gathered weapons and armed for their defense.The angry mob overtook the guards and had taken control of the building and they walked with dead men's heads.
    It was a great and a symbolic act for the revolution of the French people.
  • France at war

    In 1789 food shortages and economic crises had led to the outbreak of the very French Revolution. King Louis and his wife both were imprisoned in August 1792 and in September the monarchy was finally abolished and In January 1793, Louis was condemned to death by a huge amount of majority.
  • The war continues

    At the time the Convention the French army was victorious against Austria and Prussia at the Battle of Valmy. Britain, Holland, and Spain had joined Prussia and Austria against France. Forced to contend with so many enemies,the French suffered many defeats.To reinforce the French army Jacobin leaders in the Convention took an extreme step. At their urging,in February 1793 the Convention had ordered 300,000 French citizens between the ages of 18 and 40.The army grew to to 800,000 and had women.
  • The execution of King Louis XVI

    The king was finally executed in the Place de la Revolution.His statue was then torn down after he was executed and melted and the french people rejoiced.
  • The end of terror

    in fear of their own safety some members of the National Convention had turned on Robespierre.They demanded his execution.The reign of terror had ended when Robespierre went to the guillotine.After his death the National convention a new plan of government in during 1789.Power was given to the upper middle class.
  • Napoleon and the End

    Napoleon seizes power and napoleon rules France.Napoleon creates an empire, his empire faces downfall and it collapses and napoleon's rule ends, so does the French revolution.