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Global Arena (10 Events that happened during the Porfiriato outside Mexico)

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    Global Arena

    10 Events that happened during the Porfiritato outside Mexico
  • Eiffel Tower

    Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower was created for the 1889 World Fair in France
  • Modern Olympics and Utah.

    Modern Olympics and Utah.
    In 1896 the United States annexed has its forty fifth state: Utah. That same year the first modern Olympics started.
  • War between US and Spain begins

    War between US and Spain begins
    In 1898 the United States begins a war with Spain. They fight in Manila Bay and Puerto Rico. That same year the war ends and Spain lost Cuba and Puerto Rico, Cuba became an independent country with the help of the United States.
  • Philipinne and American War

    Philipinne and American War
    in 1899 the United States has another war, but this time with the Philippines. It happened because the US annexed the Philippines after the Spanish American war. In the end the US won.
  • First Radio Transmission

    First Radio Transmission
    In 1901 Marconi sends the first Wireless Transmission or Radio Transmission. This revolutionized the world in many ways including a more efficient and faster way of communication.
  • Panama declares independence from Colombia in 1903.

    Panama declares independence from Colombia in 1903.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The Russia Japanese war starts in 1904. It was the first great war of the 19th century. The Russians lost the war in 1905 and there confidence was shook.
  • Ford's Model T

    Ford's Model T
    In 1908 the car started to be mass produced. In 1908 in America Ford's model T was the most popular car. Fun Fact, Ford once said "You can have any color as long as it's black." He said this when he was told that other car companies were making cars of different colors.
  • First Balkan War

    First Balkan War
    The First Balkan war started in 1910 this would later lead to the Great War.
  • King Edward VII dies

    King Edward VII dies
    The King of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland King Edward VII dies. He did not last long in his reign compared to his predecessors and sucessors. His reign only lasted 9 years.