
history of blood

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    studies show

    130 CE - 200 CE - by Dissecting and experimenting on animals, he proves that arteries contain blood, and blood forms in the liver and travels through the veins to all parts of the body and passes between the ventricles through pores in the septum.
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    Blood Treament

    BCE - Egytians started treating the injured by making them bleed.Tomb pictures show drawings off patients bleeding from the neck and feet
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    first discovery of open body dissections

    BCE -
    Herophilus was the first Greek anatomist to openly dissect humans. He theorized that arteries were thicker than veins, and the arteries carried the blood.
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    first belifs

    350 BCE - Greek philosopher Aristotle believes that the heart is the central organ of the body. and the heart is a three chambered organ, even in humans.
  • Feb 20, 1200

    al-Nafis' findings

    mid - 1200 al-Nafis discovers and describes pulmonary circulation -- the flow of blood to and from the lungs.
  • on the valves in viens

    Fabricius publishes his work ON THE VALVES IN VEINS, featuring the first drawings of vein valves
  • William Harvey master peice

    British physician William Harvey publishes his masterwork EXERCITATIO ANATOMICA DE MOTU CORDIS ET SANGUINIS IN ANIMALIBUS (ANATOMICAL TREATISE ON THE MOVEMENT OF THE HEART AND BLOOD IN ANIMALS), in which he explains that blood circulates within the body and is pumped by the heart.
  • Jan Swammerdam discovery

    Jan Swammerdam, a 21-year-old Dutch microscopist, is thought to be the first person to observe and describe red blood cells.
  • First blood transfusion performed on animals

    Richard Lower performs his first blood transfusion in animals. he uses a crude syringe made of goose quill and bladder, he connects the jugular vein of a dog he's bled to the neck artery of second dog, resuscitating the former.
  • First blood transfusion performed on human

    Jean-Baptiste Denis transfuses a teenage boy suffering from a persistent fever with nine ounces of lamb's blood. He attaches the lamb's carotid artery to a vein in the boy's forearm, without the patient suffering any negative consequences.
  • a fine grain of sand

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek is able to give an idea of the size of a red blood cell. As he states, it is about "25,000 times smaller than a fine grain of sand."
  • William Hewson

    William Hewson features in his book his research on blood coagulation. He includes a substance labeled "coagulable lymph" which is now known as fibrogen.
  • human tranfusion

    Philips Syng Physick performs the first human-to-human blood transfusion
  • British obstetrician and James Blundell accompishment

    eminent British obstetrician and physiologist James Blundell performs the first recorded human-to-human blood transfusion. Using a syringe, he injects a patient suffering from internal bleeding with 12 to 14 ounces of blood from several donors.
  • blood types

    physician Karl Landsteiner publishes a paper detailing his discovery of the three main human blood groups -- A, B, and C, which he later changes to O.
  • blood types

    Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli identify a fourth blood group - AB - that causes agglutination in the red cells of both groups "A" and "B."
  • Dr. Ludvig Hektoen

    Dr. Ludvig Hektoen recommends other doctors to start checking the blood of donors. He recommended it so there wouldn't be signs of incompatibility before transfusion.
  • clotting

    Albert Hustin of Brussels and Luis Agote of Buenos Aires discover that adding sodium citrate to blood will prevent it from clotting
  • turners development

    Turner develop a citrate-glucose solution that allows blood to be stored for a few weeks after collection and still remain viable for transfusion.
  • ww1

    During WWI a doctor serving in the army stores blood in order to try to save soldiers. Without knowing it, he establishes the first blood depot.
  • blood services

    Percy Lane Oliver begins operating a blood donor service out of his home in London
  • Thomas Cooley

    Thomas Cooley describes a Mediterranean hematologic syndrome of anemia, erythroblastosis, skeletal disorders, and splenomegaly he later calls it " Cooley’s anemia" and now thalassemia.
  • Dr. Serge Yudin

    Dr. Serge Yudin is the first to test the efficacy of transfusing humans with cadaver blood
  • tranfusions

    A group of anesthesiologists organize a transfusion service two years earlier, are the first to begin storing citrated blood and utilizing it for transfusions within a hospital setting in the U.S.
  • Federico Duran-Jorda

    physician Federico Duran-Jorda establishes the Barcelona Blood-Transfusion Service that collects blood, tests it, pools it by blood group, preserves and stores it in bottles under refrigeration, and transports it to front line hospitals during the Spanish Civil War.
  • antibody

    Drs. Philip Levine and R.E. Stetson uncover an unknown antibody in the blood of a woman who's gave birth to a stillborn, and that the factor in the blood of the fetus, inherited from the father, triggers the antibody production in the mother.
  • rh!!!

    Dr. R.E. Stetson and Dr. Philip Levine discovered an unknown antibody in the blood of a woman. The discovery of Rh blood group is presented
  • Dr. Carl W. Walter

    Dr. Carl W. Walter, a trained surgeon, develops a plastic bag for the collection of blood
  • Dr. Carl W. Walter

    Dr. Carl W. Walter devolps a plastic bag to store blood. Prior to this, blood was stored in glass containers but they weren't very efficient. This simply impacted blood storing in a positive way.
  • The first antihemophilic

    The first antihemophilic factor concentrate to treat coagulation disorders in hemophilia patients is developed through fractiona- tion
  • aids

    The first accounts of the sydrome aids were found. They were first found in gay men. This disease came to be one of the deadliest in mankind.
  • shareing is careing

    The United States and France decide to share credit
  • infectious diseases are found.

    More blood infectious diseases are found. Tests are conducted that immediately detects the genetic material of viruses like HCV and HIV.