History of Voting in the US

  • 1776 North Carolina Constitution

    1776 North Carolina Constitution
    This is the first North Carolina Constitution that founded its government and rights. Within this constitution, it stated that in order to vote you would have to be a male, property owner, and over 21 years old. Free African Americans who met qualifications could vote too.
    This is significant because it gave qualifications to vote and certain specific African Americans the right to vote. Even though they were still restricted, it was a step in history for the abolishment of segregation.
  • Passage of the 15th Amendment

    Passage of the 15th Amendment
    The Reconstruction Era after the Civil War led to the Passage of the 15th Amendment. Following amendments that had similar goals, the 15th Amendment allowed for African American men to vote.
    This amendment was one of the first steps for African Americans to reach equality and become recognized by the US government. It also achieved reaching the promises made to African Americans for reaching freedom after ending slavery.
  • Jim Crow Laws Picture

    Jim Crow Laws Picture
  • Period: to

    Jim Crow Laws- Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests, Grandfather Clauses

    Jim Crow laws were any law in the south that allowed racial segregation. They originated as a way to keep white supremacy even with the 13th and 14th Amendments ratified after the Civil War.
    The Jim Crow laws are significant because it was a loophole for the south to keep segregation/ white supremacy. With these laws hardly any African American could vote in the south.
  • Passage of the 19th Amendment

    Passage of the 19th Amendment
    With the abolition of slavery, women tried to fight for their rights. Suffragist women fought for voting rights by protesting, lobbying, writing, and lecturing. Women managed to secure the vote and won in this effort of civil rights through the 19th Amendment.
    The amendment showed that women would finally be able to be on par with men for voting. Women were starting to become more involved in politics. Women were also trying to fight for women and African Americans alike.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    Indian Citizenship Act
    This was an Act that was passed giving all Native Americans born within the United States citizenship and the right to vote. Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act as a way to assimilate the Native Americans into American society.
    This is significant because it gives Native Americans the ability to be American citizens, giving them the many rights that fall under America’s government. Most importantly, it gives them the right to vote.
  • Passage of the 23rd Amendment

    Passage of the 23rd Amendment
    Beforehand, Washington DC had no voting representation in our government. The 23rd Amendment allowed for Washington DC to participate in presidential elections.
    It is important to have this because these citizens have participated in wars and fought along with other Americans and yet do not have their vote considered towards the president. It also goes against the beliefs that started this country, which was no taxation without representation.
  • Passage of 24th Amendment

    Passage of 24th Amendment
    The 24th amendment allowed for citizens to be able to participate in any election. The right to vote for someone’s state representative, state senator, president, and vice president.
    The significance of this amendment is that it made sure that no one can be prevented from voting due to financial circumstances, or in some cases discrimination. In the past, poll taxes were used to prevent specific groups from voting.
  • Voting Rights of 1965

    Voting Rights of 1965
    This was an act signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson, outlawing discriminatory voting in the southern states. This act was enacted due to the unfair voting qualifications set in place as a loophole in the south for segregation.
    This is significant because it abolished discriminatory voting qualifications used in the south for segragation. With this act passed it allowed for African Americans to finally be able to vote within the south.
  • Passage of 26th Amendment

    Passage of 26th Amendment
    Before this amendment, the age requirement for voting was 21 years old. After this amendment was ratified, it made sure that American citizens could not be denied the right to vote if they were 18 years old or older.
    This was significant because, during the time, young Americans who were 18 years old were fighting in the Vietnam War. However, they had no voice in elections. It was important because they were a big help in the war and should be included in the representation of our country.