Woman with voting flag

Sufferage in the US

  • The begining

    The begining
    After The Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress, and much debate, the forfathers created our constitution. It left franchise up to the states to decide. Ex- in 1776, in New Jersy, anyone could vote if they met the property and residancy requirements. This included basicly everyone including African Americans and women (exept from maried women who could'nt own property.) In 1807 however, women became disenfranchised and in 1844 Affican American men were too.
    (pic: www.forthoodsentinel.com)
  • First Amendment Rights

    First Amendment Rights
    The First Amendment is the first of the first ten amendments to the Constiturion. Those ten are known as the Bill of Rights. Anti-Federalist demanded the amendments for the purpose of clarifiying the rights of the indivudual and the states and protecting those rights from the Federal government. The First Amendment deals with freedoms of the press, religion, speach, assembly and petition. (pic: http://en.wikipedia.org/)
  • Voting Expansion for White men

    Voting Expansion for White men
    In the 1800s, many states abolished the property need. Ohio did so in 1802 and allowed nearly all men to vote. Some states kept the requirment because they feared voting without property would invoke anarchy. James Fenimore Cooper's quote reflects the basic additude "Every man who has wants, feelings, affections, and charecter has a stake in society."
    (pic: www.history.org)
  • Seneca Falls Convention/ Declaration of Sentiments

    Seneca Falls Convention/ Declaration of Sentiments
    Speakers included Lucretia Mott, Frederick Douglass, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Mott and her five female quaker fellow organizers wrote a document known as the Declaration of Sentiments which outlined their views on women's place in society and their rights. It was much like the Declaration of Indepencance with women's rights included. This was presented and debated and changed at the convention then signed. (pic: www.thenewagenda.net)
  • African Americans become Enfranchised

    African Americans become Enfranchised
    Aferican American Men gained the right to vote with the 15th amendment to the constitution however, many states, especially in the South, tired to prevent them from doing so. Those states created literacy tests and poll taxes they knew the African Americans could'nt pass or pay. They also created The Grandfather Clause which said that one could only vote if his grandfather could vote. There was also a lot of violance and threats on blacks who tried to vote. (pic: woodward8.wikispaces.com)
  • Minor v Happersett

    Minor v Happersett
    Mrs. Minor, a Missouri citizen and women's sufferagest, went to get registered to vote but was denied the vote by a Missouri law that prohibited women from voting. She then sued Mr. Happersett, the voting register who had denied her. The suit made it to the Supreme Court which ruled that because the constitution did not define the privliges that went alon with citizenship it was not unlawful for states to deny women the right to vote. (pic: http://www.britannica.com/)
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    The Dawes Act aimed to assimalate Native Americans into the rest of the US. cluture by broaking apart reservations into smaller parts to give to each person on the reservation. Before the Dawes Act, all Native Americans who lived on the reservation shared the land. Proponants backed their arguement by saying that the Act would bring the Natives out of poverty and the view that they were second class citizens. (pic: cioccahistory.pbworks.com
  • Women gain the right to vote

    Women gain the right to vote
    Thanks to brave women like Susan B. Anthony and many like her, women gained the right to vote in 1920 after a long, hardfaught battle over amending the constitution to enfranchise women. Men and women met at the Seneca Fall Convention to discuss the women's right to vote. Speakers included Elizibeth Candy Stanton and several other suffrage leaders. The sufferagists finally wore down President Woodrow Wilson in 1918 and the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920 (pic: http://www.historynet.com/)
  • The Indian Naturalization Act

    The Indian Naturalization Act
    The Indian Naturalization Act granted full citizenship "all non citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States."(Indian Naturalization Act) They were granted all the rights associated with being a citizen including the right to vote. (pic: http://en.wikipedia.org/)
  • The 24th Amendment

    The 24th Amendment
    The 24th Amendment prohibited all governments in the US. from enforcing poll taxes and gave Congress the power to enforce it. "The right of citizens of the United States to vote... shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax."- 24th Amendment, section 1 (pic: www.americaslibrary.gov)
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA)

    Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA)
    Even though the 15th amendment secured voting rights for all men regardless of race, many state (especially in the south) continued to descriminate against minorities. The VRA put a stop to things like litteracy tests and needing english fluancy set in place by some states in an effert to keep minorities from voting. The VRA also made it so if a state with a history of discrimination wanted to change voting precedures it had to clear it with the feds. (pic:baltimorepostexaminer.com)
  • Oregon v Mitchell

    Oregon v Mitchell
    Oregon, Texas and Idaho, filled suit agaist the US. saying that the states had the right to make rules for local and state elections instead of the feds. The Supreme Court agreed and ruled that the age limit set at 18 by the feds was required only for national elections. (pic: wfshistory8-1.wikispaces.com )
  • The 26th Amendment

    The 26th Amendment
    The 26th amendment to the constitution set the voting age at 18 and put congress in charge of enforcing it. 18 was the age at which one could be drafted and it was believed that men would be more willing to fight if they had a stake in the US. "The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any government."-the 26th amendment, section 1 (pic: www.english-online.at)