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Holocaust Timeline

  • Before 1933

    Before 1933
    50,000 Jews in Germany
  • February 1933

    February 1933
    The Reichstag is burned down
  • April 1933

    April 1933
    Germans boycott Jewish businesses.
  • April 1933

    April 1933
    Gestapo is born! Gestapo was the official secret police of Nazi Germany.
  • November 1933

    November 1933
    You could go to a concentration camp if you are unemployed this was the Nazi Law.
  • 1934-1935

    Jews are restricted legally from doing/owning lots of different things.
  • The Nuremberg Laws(1934-1935)

    The Nuremberg Laws(1934-1935)
    The Nuremberg Laws where series of laws that specifically state who is German or not.
  • The Night of November 9,1938

    The Night of November 9,1938
    The night of November 9 1938 was the night of mass riots and vandalism.
  • Forced to Pay?

    Forced to Pay?
    Jews were forced to pay 1 billion marks in clean up cost by the government.
  • Elimination of Jews(In Death Camps)

    Elimination of Jews(In Death Camps)
    They would gather people and take them in the "death camps" to die. They would kill the Jews by locking them in a chamber "to shower" then they would release Zyklon B gas.
  • The Hunger Plan(1942)

    The Hunger Plan(1942)
    The Hunger Plan was the plan to kill poles,Ukrainians and Russians to create living space for German colonies in Russia by starvation.
  • Wansee Confrence

    Wansee Confrence
    Reinhard Heydrich wanted to make sure all administrative would follow a final solution to the Jews question.