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Industrial Revolution transportation

By BlueJ
  • steam engine

    steam engine
    James Watt was a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist who improved on Thomas Newcomen's 1712 steam engine by adding a separate condenser
  • First hot air balloon

    First hot air balloon
    Montgolfier brothers launched the first hot air balloon in France
  • First parachute

    First parachute
    Louis-Sébastien Lenormand created the first parachute in France
  • the first lifeboat

    the first lifeboat
    Lionel Lukin create the first lifeboat
  • First pedal bicycle

    First pedal bicycle
    Kirkpatrick Macmillan created the first pedal driven bicycle
  • the first steamboat with regular service

    the first steamboat with regular service
    the first steamboat with regular passenger service was invented by Robert Fulton
  • Gas driven vehical

    Gas driven vehical
    Isaac de Rivas invented a hydrogen-powered internal combustion engine with electric ignition vehicle
  • first practical steam-powered railway locomotive

    first practical steam-powered railway locomotive
    George Stephenson built the first practical steam-powered railway locomotive
  • Improved Railways

    Improved Railways
    George Westinghouse invented the compressed-air brake for railway trains.
  • The first electric tram

    The first electric tram
    Frank Sprague invented the first electric tram
  • First motorcycle

    First motorcycle
    the first motorcycle was invented by german inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach
  • First car run by gas

    First car run by gas
    The first stationary gasoline engine developed by Carl Benz
  • the first controllable airoplane

    the first controllable airoplane
    the wright brothers invented the first plan
  • Henry ford created

    Henry ford created
    Henry Ford developed the assembly line mode of production.