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By rbafna
  • Feb 20, 1258

    Mongols defeat last caliph

    Mongols defeat last caliph
    Mongol invaders defeated the last caliph in Baghdad, Iraq. This led the way to the formation of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1299 to May 29, 1453

    Rise of the Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman Empire started with the reign of Osman I in 1299. It ended with the capture of Constantinople one and a half centuries later, establishing the Ottoman Empire one of the largest Muslim empires in the world.
  • Period: Sep 30, 1520 to Sep 6, 1566

    Reign of Suleiman I

    Suleiman I (also known as Suleiman the Magnificent) was the most famous sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He was known as extremely benevolent, and tolerated many different cultures and religions. He also vastly expanded the Ottoman Empire.
  • The Auspicious Incident

    The Auspicious Incident
    In 1826, the Janissaries revolted against Sultan Mahmud II. However, the uprising was repressed, and the Janissaries were disbanded.
  • Mehmed V sides with the Central Powers during World War I

    Mehmed V sides with the Central Powers during World War I
    Mehmed V sided with the countries which would eventually lose World War I. Because of this, the Ottoman Empire met its end, and Mehmed V successor, Mehmed VI, would be its last sultan.
  • Period: to

    San Remo Agreement

    After World War I and the Ottoman Empire's downfall, the Allied Powers (most notably Britain and France) split the Ottoman Empire into many individual nations. However, they did not pay regard to cultural borders, spawning eventual decades of conflict in the Middle East.
  • The Ottoman Empire Officially Ends

    The Ottoman Empire Officially Ends
    During November 1922, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey officially ended the Ottoman Empire. Sultan Mehmed VI departed the Ottoman capital, Constantinople, on the 17th.
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    The Holocaust was a mass murder of over six million Jews. The Holocaust, and other acts of anti-Semitism, popularized the idea of Zionism, the movement that promised Palestine to the Jews, and brought them there.
  • UN Partition of Palestine

    UN Partition of Palestine
    In 1947, the United Nations decided to divide present-day Israel into an Arab state (Palestine), a Jewish state (Israel), and the independent city of Jerusalem. The Jews accepted the plan, but the Arabs did not; eventually, a civil war broke out.
  • Start of Arab-Israeli Conflicts

    Start of Arab-Israeli Conflicts
    The Arab-Israeli conflicts are a series of disputes over the land of Israel, concerning the Jewish state of Israel, the Arab state of Palestine, and neighboring Arab nations. Ever since the First Arab-Israeli in 1948, Israel has been steadily gaining land that once belonged to Palestine. Image By http://www.flickr.com/people/69061470@N05 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/government_press_office/7621028734/, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22807003
  • Palestine Liberation Organization founded

    Palestine Liberation Organization founded
    The Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO's) main purpose is to reclaim the land of Palestine that has been captured by Israel through force of arms. Until 1993, the PLO refused to recognize Israel's right to exist. Image By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1799047
  • Period: to

    Persian Gulf War

    On August 2, 1990, Iraq, under the leadership of dictator Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait for its oil supply. In early 1991, the United States declared war against Iraq, and in desperation, Iraq set fire to hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells, destroying them. Iraq also developed many nuclear weapons, so the United Nations declared an embargo against Iraq until the weapons were disposed.
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    Afghanistan War

    After 9/11, the United States sent troops to Afghanistan to find Osama bin Laden, leader of al-Qaeda; it was believed the current leaders of Afghanistan, called the Taliban, were hiding bin Laden. Osama bin Laden was killed ten years later. Also, the Taliban was removed from power and Afghanistan became a democratic republic.
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    Iraq War

    In 2003, the United States and the United Kingdom declared war against Iraq out of fear of its nuclear arsenal and al-Qaeda. In 2005, the Iraq's government was changed from a dictatorship to a democracy, and its first elections were held the same year. On December 29, 2006, former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was executed.
  • First Saudi Arabia Election In Which Women Are Allowed To Vote

    First Saudi Arabia Election In Which Women Are Allowed To Vote
    In September 2011, King Abdullah declared that women would be allowed to vote and run for office in the next election. This marked a turning point in Saudi Arabia's history.
    Image by AFP