Medical Milestones in the Past 400 Years

  • Discovery of Circulation

    Dr. William Harvey discovers blood circulation
  • First Vaccine

    Dr. Edward Jenner makes the first vaccine against small pox
  • Fighting Rabies

    Dr. Louis Pasteur discovers the vaccine against rabies
  • The First X-Ray

    Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Rōntgen performed the first X-ray
  • Fighting Tuberculosis

    Dr. Albert Calmette and Dr. Camille Guérin develop a vaccine for tuberculosis
  • Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovers the first penicillin
  • DNA

    James Watson and Francis Crick discover DNA
  • HIV

    Luc Montagnier discovers HIV
  • Clone

    British scientists create the first clone of a sheep named Dolly
  • Face Transplant

    Two doctors successfully performed the first face transplant on a woman severely injured by a dog