National Assembly

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Where all estates meet on a tennis court. They set up a legislative body and promised to meet until France had a constitution.
  • Estate General Meeting

    Tried to fix France's problems.Each estate gets one vote 1st and 2nd vote to keep it the way it is. 3rd try to change but is out numbered by votes even though they have more people.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Where the 3rd Estate raids the Bastille which is where all the gunpowder is kept.They need it to fight to change the taxes and unfair rules. They also took it because it is a symbol of the 2nd Estates power and showed 2nd that 3rd had control of their power.
  • Great Fear

    A series of peasants revolt, strikes and looting areas rural France. Happened because of poor harvest and food supplies are low 1st and 2nd Estate can't provide for 3rd. 3rd takes land from Second to survive.
  • Declaration of the Right of Man.

    List of Laws stating the changes to the Estates and Power. This was the constitution. Changed the power of the King,. limited the power to make laws, collect taxes and make decisions involving war. This cause the king and queen to flee France.
  • March to Versailles

    Price for Bread was high and the availability was low. They marched to demand bread and help the king.