Oskar Schindler

  • Oskar Schinlder Born

    Oskar Schinlder Born
    He was born in Suitavy, Moravia. Also ethnic German and Catholic. Remaining on Svitavy during the interwar and held Czech citizenship.
  • Nazi Party

    Nazi Party
    Being five months after the German annexation of Sudetenland, Schindler joined the Nazi Party. He was considered an "opportunist businessman" having taste for the finer things in life. He was unlikely to become a wartime rescuer.
  • Moving

    Schondler was following the German invasion. He moved to Kraków from Svitavy. To take advantage of German occupation program "Aryanize".
  • Enamelware

    Enamelware is also known as Emalia. Schindler was controlling two other factories, but only eEmalia did he employ Jews.
  • Sleepover

    claming the Jewish workers for being essential to war effort, Schindler added armaments manufacturing division. During that he allowed Jewish workers to stay overnight at the factory.
  • S.S.

    The S. S. are-designated Plaszow as a concentration camp. Schindler persuaded the S.S. Converting it to q so camp of Plaszow.
  • Peak Streghtened

    Peak Streghtened
    Emalia employed 1,700 workers, having at least 1,000 being Jewish forced laborors. The Germans relocated the. From Kraków ghetto after its liquidation,
  • Brünnlite

    S.S. transferred Emalia Jews to Plaszow. Oskar sought and got authirization relocating his plant to Brünnlite located in Moravia.
  • Leaving

    Schindler left only on this day whenSoviet troops liberated his camp. When the war was done him and his wife settled in Regensburg.
  • Death

    He died in Germany. Being penniless and technically unknown.