41uoih62erl. sy300

Rubber Duckies

By cv00642
  • Chew Toys

    Chew Toys
    Rubber toys first appear that were cast solid and intended as chew toys.
  • Sculpture of a Duck

    Sculpture of a Duck
    Peter Ganine first creates a sculpture of a duck, patents it, and reproduces it as a floating toy.
  • "Rubber Ducky, You're the One"

    "Rubber Ducky, You're the One"
    Ernie's signature song first airs on Seseme Street and reaches #16 on Billboard's "Hot 100 Singles" chart.
  • Great Pacific Garbage Patch

     Great Pacific Garbage Patch
    During a Pacific storm, three 40-foot containers holding 29,000 Friendly Floatees plastic bathtub toys from a Chinese factory were washed off a ship, containing yellow ducks and other toys. Two-thirds of the toys floated south and landed three months later on the shores of Indonesia, Australia, and South America. The remaining 10,000 toys headed north to Alaska and then completed a full circle back near Japan
  • Rubber Duck Regatta

    Rubber Duck Regatta
    The first annual Rubber Duck Regatta is held in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Great British Duck Race

    Great British Duck Race
    Great British Duck Race is held near Hampton Court Palace in London breaking the world record for the number of ducks used together, with a total of 250,000 blue ducks
  • National Toy Hall of Fame

    National Toy Hall of Fame
    Rubber Duckies are inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame along with Chess.
  • Largest Duck

    Largest Duck
    The World's largest rubber duckie measuring 54 x 65 x 105 feet and weighing about 1,323 pounds goes on display in the United States