Space Race

By simmo01
  • sputnik 1

    <a href='history ' >nasa . lanches sputnik 1 and begins orbit , first man made object in space it was the size of a beach ball and weighed about 183 pounds and it also took 98 min to orbit the earth
  • explorer 1

    [nasa . gov.](history)the primary science instrument was a cosmic ray detector designed to measure the radiation. usa needed to build a satellite quick so the created explorer 1.
  • first human to orbit space (ussr)

    yuri gagarin was the first man to fly into space and orbit the earth and it took 108 minutes to go around earth and he also made it back safley.
  • fredom 7 )

    [](history)Alan B shepard became first american to be in space.ten years he would go to the moon and be the first astronaut to play golf on the moon.
  • luna 9 (ussr)

    [](history)luna 9 makes first soft landing and takes photographic data and many sample pictures luna 9 was a sattellite
  • surveyor 1 usa

    [](history)first space craft launched in surveyor program the mission was very succesful they also made technology to softly on the moon.
  • luna or biter 1usa

    [](history)first commuations sattellite to orbit earth . it also took far away pictures of earth with a high definition camera
  • venera 4 ussr

    [](history)was desgined with announced scientific objective of in situ studiesof venus down to the surface of venus.
  • apollo 7 usa

    [](history)engineering test flight were simple: demonstrate , command, and service module or csm srew performance.
  • soyuz 4,5 ussr

    [](history)worlds first spac station with a crew of 4 aboed , first space farers to returne to earth safley.
  • apollo 11 usa

    [](history)three astronaafterauts go to the moon after studying the moon for two years and one stayed inside the ship while the other two planted the flag of the usa and took many samples and pictures.