
Space Race Timeline

  • Launch Of Sutnik I

    Launch Of Sutnik I
    was launched into earths orbit. It was the first man made satellite and was made by the Soviet Union
  • Sputnik II

    Sputnik II
    This Rocket Sent A Dog name Laika Into Space For 7 days. It Remains In Orbit Until April 13, 1958
  • Luna 1

    Luna 1
    Launched By USSR. First Man made object to orbit the sun
  • Explorer I

    Explorer I
    the first American satellite to reach orbit.the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt
  • Vanguard 1 satellite

    Vanguard 1 satellite
    Launched And still is functioning for 3 years
  • Mercury 2

    Mercury 2
    Americans Send A Chimp,Ham, In To Space.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    orbits the Earth once and becomes the first man in space
  • Alan B. Shepard

    Alan B. Shepard
    First american into space
  • Vostok 2

    Vostok 2
    Gherman Titov spends a day in space
  • Gemini Program

    Gemini Program
    Second Huma space flight Of NASA. Carried 2 Men
  • Walter Schirra

    Walter Schirra
    orbits the Earth six times
  • Vostok 6

    Vostok 6
    Carries Soviet Cosmonaut Valentia Tereshkova, the first woman in space and orbits the Earth 48 times!
  • Venus 3

    Venus 3
    the first craft to impact Venus
  • Zond 5

    Zond 5
    irst spacecraft to orbit the Moon and return
  • Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
    become the first men to walk on the Moon while crewmate Michael Collins orbits around the Moon alone
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    Launched Three Men To the moon. Had To Abort Mission Due To Lack Of Oxygen
  • Mariner 9

    Mariner 9
    first spacecraft to survey Mars from orbit
  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10
    first man-made object to travel through the asteroid belt
  • Apollo 17 Returns From the Moon

    Apollo 17 Returns From the Moon
    Last Apollo Mission To land Man On the moon. A Trained Geologist Walked the Lunar Surface. They returned with soil and rocks.