

  • The almighty Kentucky rifle

    The almighty Kentucky rifle
    This was a long barrel rifle hold on thats a under state ment the barrel was 32 in long. They were used in the American revolution and manly used during the 18 century.
  • M1903 Springfield

    The M1093 Springfield was in service from 1903 to 1974. It could hold up to 5 rounds.
  • Harpers ferry model

    Harpers ferry model
    This was the first rifle made in the United states something you don´t learn in history class.
  • M1 Grand

    M1 Grand
    The M1 Grand was used by the Us military from
    1936-1959. It was the first semi auto rifle and it could hold 8 rounds but made a loud "Click" when it ran out
  • The German Mauser

    The German Mauser
    This was a European company that made some guns one you should know about is the Grewer 41 this was a semi auto rifle made more the German military. The image is a Nagat one of the many rifles they made
  • 1792 contract rifle

    1792 contract rifle
    Well you guessed it it was a later model of the Kentucky rifle giving it a awkward 42 in barrel well I guess for them it wasn´t awkward. Also Lewis and Clark yeah those important guy once again a under statement carried these weapons with them