The History of Insulin

  • Liver Theory Disproved

    Liver Theory Disproved
    Von Mering disproved Bernard's liver theory when he found that removing the pancreas caused diabetes.
  • Insulin Discovered

    Insulin Discovered
    Fredrick Banting and Charles Best discovered insulin by showing that removing the pancreas from dogs made them diabetic. Then they went a took fluid from healthy dogs, injected it into the diabetic dogs and restored them to normalcy - for as long as they had the extract.
  • Humans Received Insulin

    Humans Received Insulin
    The very first patient to receive insulin was a 14 year old boy with type 1 diabetes, named Leonard Thompson. Previously, patients would be put on starvation diets and only have months to live, but with the first treatment of insulin, Leonard lived another 13 years before he developed pneumonia.
  • Insulin Commercially Produced

    Insulin Commercially Produced
    Insulin was produced commercially and used in most western countries.
  • Insulin Crystallized

    Insulin Crystallized
    J.J. Abels discovered a way to crystallize insulin. The crystalline form allowed researchers to study its structure with a technique called x-ray crystallography and approximate its three-dimensional shape.
  • Protamine Zinc Insulin Introduced

    Protamine Zinc Insulin Introduced
    Hans Christian Hagedom discovered that the action of insulin can be prolonged with the addition of protamine.
  • Immunoassay

    Solomon Berson and Rosalind Yalow developed the immunoassay technique. Transforming endocrinology, the technique of immunoassay far surpassed the previous bioassay, and allows minute concentrations of insulin to be consistently measured.
  • Insulin Three-Dimensional Structure

    Insulin Three-Dimensional Structure
    Dorothy Hodgkins determined the three-dimensional structure of insulin.
  • Recombinant "Human" Insulin Produced

    Recombinant "Human" Insulin Produced
    Through recombinant technology, insulin was the first protein to be produced by biotechnology.
  • Discovery of Receptor Binding

    Discovery of Receptor Binding
    Dr. Weiss described the structure of insulin in solution, and confirmed his theory on cell receptor binding with insulin.
  • Eli Lilly Markets Insulin

    Eli Lilly Markets Insulin
    The pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, markets the analogue insulin lispro under the trade name Humalog. This genetically modified form of insulin has an altered amino acid sequence to change how the insulin is absorbed, distributed, metabolised, and excreted.
  • Receptor Hormone Binding-Site

    Receptor Hormone Binding-Site
    Dr. Weiss continues on his discovery of an insulin receptor into discovering the primary hormone-binding site of insulin receptors.
  • First Clinical Trial

    First Clinical Trial
    Thermalin prepares for the first clinical trial of the first highly-concentrated, rapid-acting insulin. Now, many people with diabetes use pumps instead of regular shots, and they are able to live a normal, healthy life without much fear of being subject to this disease.