
  • Corn Law

    Corn Law
    The corn law was a tax on all imported and exported grains in the united kingdom. This was due to the rapid increase of population, the traaders and merchants had a hard time living with it so they sought to get it repealed.
  • Period: to

    Start of Unions

  • Mckees Rock Strike

    Mckees Rock Strike
    Mckees strike was a famous strike carried out by nearly 5,000 workers. What made it so significant was that all of these men and women were from different parts of the world so there was a massive language barrier which put them at a dissadvantage. They wanted better working conditions and to have a fair pay for a hard days work. One of the strikers died after being shot by the sherrifs and every striker march his death and wrote speeches in 9 different languages and eventually got their demands
  • Canada Coal Mine Strike

    Canada Coal Mine Strike
    1 Cosl miner was killed and others were injured in a protest for better work condtions and better wages. The " British Empire Steel and Coal Company " attempted to scare it's workers back into line but accidentally killed one man name William Davis
  • 1929 Timber Worker Strike

    1929 Timber Worker Strike
    The 1929 Timber Worker Strike was a strike carried out by austrailian workers who got an increase in hours but their pay was drastically reduced. The police were called in to put the workers back inline and the bitter police killed 1 of the miners.
  • Adalen Shooting

    Adalen Shooting
    In sweden in 1931 sawmill workers had a large pay reduction and they decide to go on strike for it. The swedish police called in 60 strike breakers to send them back to work. In event of doing so they fired into the crowd killing 5 workers.
  • Fair Labor Standards

    Fair Labor Standards
    This affected unions across the country hugely. It established minimum wages, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and employment of the youth. This affected local businesses as well as private businesses.
  • 1946 Bituminous Coal Strike

    1946 Bituminous Coal Strike
    United Mine Workers of America called on 400,000 plus bituminous coal miners . They went on strike for safer conditions, health benefits and pay. The strike came around the time when the national economy was recovering from the second world war. President Truman attempted to make a settlement but the workers refused to come off strike and they were fined 3.5 million and eventually forced to end the strike.
  • Landrum-Griffith Act

    Landrum-Griffith Act
    This law affected the relationship between union owners and their memebers. It deals with the internal affairs of how funds are spent and managed and it also deals with how memebers of the unions can hold postions if they are communist or of any foriegn political party.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    This act makes employers ensure that their employees are working in safe condtions and their private busnesses are subject to routine check ups. Unions had a relief after this was passed because their work conditions became a lot better.
  • Postal Strike

    Postal Strike
    The postal strike was a strike carried out by 200,000 Americas very own Mailmen and women. They were after better pay after congress got raise 41% pay and letter carriers only got raised 4%. President Nixon hired more then 23,000 Armed forces to deliver the mail but they were not properly trained.
  • UPS workers Strike

    UPS workers Strike
    185,000 UPS workers created the biggest strike of the 1990's. They wanted the creation of a fulltime instead of partime job. They also wanted better wages. This strike affected the nation cause no packages were being delivered. The UPS workers gained the support of the public and had their demands met.