Claude Monet

By Linam19

    Oscar-Claude Monet was born on November 14th. 1840- Paris, Giverny.
  • Family Moves

    Family Moves
    His parents dawn on that their son has talent and they decided to move in Le Havre
  • Father's death

    Father's death
    In 1857 his father dies and he decides to carry on with his projects
  • Impression: Sunrise

    Impression: Sunrise
    In 1874 he takes up a new project with his colleagues.
  • Monet got married

    Monet got married
    In 1876 Monet met Alice Hoschedé, and they realized that they got on, moreover, both were in love, so, Monet decide to marry her
  • 20 Water lily paintings by Claude Monet

    20 Water lily paintings by Claude Monet
    These are one of the most important paintings of Monet, he show off many people with his ability.
  • Monet's Death

    Monet's Death
    Despite his eyesight failed, he decided don't give up and go on painting until his death time, caused by lung cancer