France Revolution

By AdriHM
  • Period: to

    Constituent Assembly

    In this period occurs: the abolition of feudalism, loss of power of the Catholic Church, 'La Grande Peur' (insurrections in the countryside against the nobility)
    The whole book occurs between this period, Darnay is captured by the French revolutionaries for their aristocratic roots, although later it is released, ends up being condemned, but thanks to that Sidney Carton pretends by him, Charles is freed. Sidney dies guillotined.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The French people stormed the fortress of the Bastille, because it was a symbol of monarchical absolutism.
    In the book, this fact occurs in Chapter 8, is played by Monsieur and Madame Defarge and begin to kill the French aristocracy.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    Establishing the principle of freedom, equality and fraternity. This declaration established a declaration of principles that would be the unavoidable basis of the future Constitution.
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly

    In this period it is declared the War of Austria and Prusia against France, and in addition this parliament abolished the French monarchy.
  • War of Austria and Prussia against France

    War of Austria and Prussia against France
    Austria and Prussia, were ready to invade revolutionary France, which made the French people become a national army, ready to defend and to spread the new revolutionary order throughout Europe.
  • Brunswick Manifesto

    Brunswick Manifesto
    In the Brunswick Manifesto, the Imperial armies of the European powers threatened to invade France if the population resisted the re-establishment of the monarchy.
  • Proclamation of the First French Republic

    Proclamation of the First French Republic
    The new parliament elected that year abolished the monarchy because the masses assaulted the Palace of the Tuileries (a royal palace) and proclaimed the Republic. He also created a new calendar, according to which the year 1792 would become the year 1 of his new era.
  • Period: to

    The Convention

    In this period the tension between the French Republic and the European powers increases, King Louis XVI is executed with his wife Marie Antoinette.
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
      On January 17, 1793, the Convention condemned the king to death by a small majority, accusing him of "a conspiracy against public liberty and the general security of the State." On January 21, the king was executed, which again lit the wick of war with other European countries. Queen Marie-Antoinette was executed on October 16 of the same year.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins (revolutionary extremists) unleashed what was called the Reign of Terror (1793-1794). In this period Robespierre and the Jacobins guillotine more than 40,000 people.
  • Period: to

    The Directory

    The Convention approved a new Constitution on August 17, 1795, conferring executive power on a Board of Directors. There were different revolts that were suppressed by the army, finally the general Napoleón Bonaparte 9 of November of 1799 makes a coup d'etat.
  • Constitution of the Year III

    Constitution of the Year III
    It was a liberal constitution, based on national sovereignty, the division of powers and census suffrage; Drafted by the National Convention in 1795.
  • Coup d'etat of Napoleon

    Coup d'etat of Napoleon
    General Napoleon Bonaparte, returned from his campaign in Egypt, gave a coup d'etat on November 9, 1799, installing the Consulate.