French revolution

French Revolution

  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    He was known as sun king. He ruled France for 72 years. He was very self centered and that's why he called himself the sun king.
  • Jaques Necker

    Jaques Necker
    He was an Genevan banker. He was also Louis XIV finance minister and French statesman. He played a key role in French history.
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    She was born in archduchess of Austria. She spent lots of money that she didn't have. She was the las queen before the French Revolution.
  • Charlotte Corday

    Charlotte Corday
    She was a big figure in the French Revolution. She was a French radical. He was murdered during the French revolution and someone did a painting after they died.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    He was a statesman and military leader. He also led many successful Revolutionary campaigns. He also led many wars.
  • Jacobins

    He was a member of the Jacobins Club. He was part of one of the biggest political revolutionary movement and most famous political meetings.
  • Calling of the Estates-General

    Calling of the Estates-General
    It was general assembly representing the French estates. It was declared by Louis XVI to propose solutions to France's financial problems.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    It occurred in Paris, France and it happened in the afternoon. It represented the royal authority.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The member of the Third estate took the tennis court oath. The tennis court oath was "not to separate and to reassemble wherever necessary, until the Constitution of the kingdom is established".
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    It was general panic that took place during the French Revolution. It was at the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • National Convention is formed

    National Convention is formed
    It was a parliament of the French Revolution. They created the National Constituent Assembly and the Legislative Assembly. Then they were the first French government to abandoning the monarchy altogether.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    He was convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers. His death was sentenced by French National Convention. He was executed by the guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror was also known as the Terror. It was a time period during the French Revolution. Many people were executed during this time period.
  • Sans-culottes

    They were the common people. They were also known as the lower class. Also mot of them became radical and militant partisans of the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    It is known in Russia as the Patriotic War. He crossed Neman river at this dated. He was trying to defeated the Russian army.