06 french revolution

French Revolution

  • Declaration of National Assembly

    Declaration of National Assembly
    The representatives of the Third Estate come together and declare themselves the National Assembly. A few members of the First and Second Estate joined the National assembly. This is important as it was the first time in 100 years the Third Estate not only had representation, it was also a formidable presence in government. I chose this event is unique as it gave the Third Estate representation an official title and forced Louis and the other estates to recognize them as a political voice.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The National Assembly found themselves locked out of the usual meeting place of Estates-Generals at Versailles, and decided to meet at a tennis court. There, they took an oath to continue to meet until a new constitution was established. This event is significant as it showed the dedication and conviction the masses had to get a new constitution and gain equality for all men. Louis had to take notice of them. I chose it because it was the first turning point in the third estate in government.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a royal prison and fortress. The Revolutionaries wanted the Bastille for the mass amounts of gunpowder it stored. The people wanted it surrendered but the governor of Bastille refused. Citizens stormed the fortress and captured it in 3 hours. This event is significant as it strengthened the masses- ordinary people could complete seemingly impossible tasks. I chose this event because the people successfully took out a symbol of absolutism in their country.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and of Citizen

    Declaration of Rights of Man and of Citizen
    This declaration is a charter of rights and freedoms written by the National Assembly. It ensures things such as right to life, liberty, freedom of speech and the right to participate in government. It is significant as it took away the divisions between classes and gave men equal rights and opportunity to participate in government. I chose it because although these rights were finally given to the citizens, they were completely ignored later in the revolution by the Committee of Public Safety.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    Hungry and angry with soaring food prices, hundreds of citizens (mostly women) marched to the King's palace in Versailles where it was rumoured he was storing food and grain. They demanded the King to return to Paris with them. The King agrees and the royal family return to Paris, bringing carts of grain with them.
  • March on Versailles Continued

    March on Versailles Continued
    This is a significant event because the King relented to yet another citizen demand. This event also made him seem weak which was another reason France wanted him out of the executive position. I chose this event because it was another major victory to the revolutionaries-it strengthened their resolve. They made the King give in to their demands, made him leave his palace and come back to Paris and brought food (grain) back to the citizens.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    The Constitution created by the National Assembly was adopted, creating a hereditary constitutional monarchy, legislative assembly with separate executive assembly, elected judges and partial king veto power.This is significant because the constitution took away the powers of the King and gave it to elected members of France.I chose this event because the Assembly effectively removed all power of the King and gave sovereignty to the people, checking off a solution to the cause of the revolution.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Execution of King Louis XVI
    King Louis and his family were captured trying to escape France by a mob of angry citizens.They were imprisoned and in 1972 he was brought to trial and on January 20, 1793, sentenced for crimes against the people and ordered to be executed. He was sent to the guillotine the next morning where his head was presented to the crowd with great excitement and conviction.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI continued

    Execution of King Louis XVI continued
    This event is significant as the people finally got to kill off the person they believed was the cause of disease, hunger and murder between the people. Maybe after the death of Louis, people thought the revolution would be over as the final symbol of France's monarchy was gone. I chose this event because although the people had already taken out absolutism, they still felt like they had to kill the remnants, no "leader" was left to challenge the revolution.
  • Committee of Public Safety is Established

    Committee of Public Safety is Established
    The Committee of Public Safety was established to provide for the defense of the nation against its foreign and domestic enemies, and to oversee the executive government. It controlled France, had more control than the National Convention and relying on the support of the radicals and Jacobins. Torture and execution was put upon the alleged enemies of the Revolution, the economy was controlled by the Committee and France underwent mass conscription.
  • Committee of Public Safety is Established Continued

    Committee of Public Safety is Established Continued
    This is significant as the Committee took away all the rights given to man through the Declaration of Man and Citizen.The Committee got to decide who was friendly and who was an enemy of the revolution and needed to die.I chose this event because i think it is really strange. The newly granted rights that the people started the entire revolution-equality and the right to life, liberty, speech-were taken by the Committee and the citizens of France let them take their rights and supported them.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Revolutionary government created the Reign of Terror to eradicate any opposition to the revolution.The Reign of Terror consisted of the torture, execution and imprisonment of those expected to the enemies of the revolution by the Committee of Security.This event is significant in the revolution as over 15,000 were murdered in the course of a year.I chose this event because France was learning how to be a republic and it learned the importance of choosing the head of government wisely.
  • Constitution of Year Three

    Constitution of Year Three
    This constitution created a new form of government.The government consisted of a directory (executive) and 2 house parliaments (legislative).This is a significant event as it showed that France was trying to create a better constitution, in theory the two political powers balance.I chose this event because although France was making progress on their formatting,they were still giving all the power to the second estate because one need to meet wealth requirements to be elected into government.
  • Napoleon Gains Control Continued

    Napoleon Gains Control Continued
    I chose this event because the whole point of the revolution was to create equality the give the people the power and despite France's efforts to become a republic,it fell back into an authoritative hand as Napoleon to bullied his way into power.Although the revolution was a most momentous upheaval,which threw the monarch and gave citizens rights,it didn't achieve all the goals set out at the beginning of the revolution and France was left to a political tyrant who ruled with an iron fist.
  • Napoleon Gains Control

    Napoleon Gains Control
    Napoleon gained control of France when he led the Coup of 18 Brumaire. Napoleon was a highly respected military commander, who's job was to protect the Directory. However, he eventually conspired with 3/5 Directors and with the strength of the military on his side convinced the other Directors to step down or be imprisoned. Then he convinced the 2 houses to abolish the directory, leaving him the sole executive power.This event is significant because it signals the end of the revolution.