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French Revolution

  • Beginning of the French Revolution

    Beginning of the French Revolution
    This day was the beginning of the French Revolution. The French government faced a huge crisis in the 1780s, and King Louis XVI was blamed for all of it. The significance of this event is it is the day that the French Revolution started. It changed France, and many other countries for years to come.
  • Bastille

    Armed citizens stormed and captured the Bastille. The Bastille was a fortress in Paris. The significance of this event is that it marked the beginning of the French Revolution when Parisian peasants, after years of abuse by the monarchy, overwhelmed soldiers guarding the arsenal
  • Lafayette

    Lafayette was appointed Commander of the National Guard. Lafayette's full name was Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. The significance of this event was that he served as a human link between America and France in what is sometimes known as The Age of Revolutions.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen
    National Assembly decrees the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen. The Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen is a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human rights The significance of this event was that it was a core statement of the values of the French revolution and had a major impact on the development of liberty and democracy in Europe and worldwide.
  • King Louis attempts to Flee

    King Louis attempts to Flee
    King Louis XVI attemps to flee to Varennes but is recognised and forcibly returned to Paris. He tried to flee because people were sending death threats to him and his family. The significance of this event was the incident was a turning point, which popular hostility towards the French monarchy as an institution, as well as towards the King and Queen as individuals, became much more pronounced. The King's attempted flight provoked the charges of treason which ultimately led to his execution
  • King accepts Constitution

    King accepts Constitution
    King Louis XVI formally accepted the Constitution The siginicance of this event was that he was forced to accept the constitution, which limited his power, but preserved the royal veto and his power to appoint ministers.
  • King imprisoned

    King imprisoned
    Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace, massacring the Swiss Guard, and the King was imprisoned The significance of this event was that the King of France, Louis XVI was imprisoned and later executed.
  • September Massacre

    September Massacre
    Georges Jacques Danton instigates the massacre of about 1,200 Royalists held in Parisian prisons. It was a wave of killings in Paris and other countries in late summer. The significance of this event was that it signaled to the people the support for the French aristocracy and monarchy from the European aristocracy and served to fuel the fear of failure it also highlighted the possible consequences of failure.
  • Trial of the King began

    Trial of the King began
    The trial of the King involved the trial of the former French king Louis XVI before the National Convention and led to his execution. The significance of this event was that the trial of the King, represented the Trial of the Revolution.
  • Louis XVI execution

    Louis XVI execution
    Louis XVI was executed, by the guillotine, and was tried for high treason before the National Convention. He was executed on the Place de la Révolution. The executioner, Charles Henri Sanson, testified that the former king had bravely met his fate. The significance of this event was he was the only King of France to have been executed it was also the clearest act of defiance to the idea of "Divine Right of Kings" by which European monarchs had laid claim to.
  • Bread Prices

    Bread Prices
    Maximum price of bread imposed. The significance of this event was people were starving in the streets of France, because of the prices of food going up.
  • Marie-Antoinette Executed

    Marie-Antoinette Executed
    Marie-Antoinette was tried and executed. Convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal of treason to the principles of the revolution, and executed by guillotine The significance of this event was that earlier King Louis was executed months before. It signified the fact that the King and Queen are dead, and there isn't a monarchy anymore.
  • Napoleon made his name

    Napoleon made his name
    Napoleon Bonaparte makes his name suppressing the move with grapeshot and defeated Royalist rebels in Paris. Grapeshot is a mass of small metal balls or slugs packed tightly into a canvas bag. The significance of this event was he killed many people using this weapon and it also helped him prove himself to the rest of france.
  • Napoleon is in charge of Army

    Napoleon is in charge of Army
    Napoleon assumes command of French army in Italy. The significance of this event is that in the past years you bought your way into control, however Napoleon earned his way up and moved up the rankings. From soldier all the way up the line to Commander.
  • End of French Revolution

    End of French Revolution
    The Revolution ended because of when Napoleon came to be in charge. The significance of this event was that it marked the end of the French Revolution. It also proved that Napoleon kept the piece in France.
  • Napoleon named First Consul

    Napoleon named First Consul
    Napoleon Bonaparte named “First Consul,” now the effective dictator. The significance of this event was that Napoleon was clearly the highest power in the land, and a fairly absolutist ruler.
  • Napoleon's Emperor

    Napoleon's Emperor
    Napoleon consecrated as Emperor. The significance of this event was that Napoleon started from now where and he moved throught the rankings and became emperor. From now where to crowning himself Emperor, literally.