Mark, Hailey French Revolution timeline 1789-1815

  • The Directory

    The Directory
    The directory was the legislative branch then it had broken up into two which had been the executive branch. For a while they had brought order to France, then in November 1799 it fell out of power.
  • Meeting of The Estates General

    Meeting of The Estates General
    The meeting of the estates general started when the government began to tax nobles. So the people had damanded that the king must hold a meeting about the situation. Which was then called the Estates-General. It was also a government body that made up of the representitves from the three estates. The last meet they had was in the year 1614. The next meeting was held with King Louis XVI to decide if the nobles had to pay any taxes.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The king had locked the National Assembly out of the meeting hall. So they had just walked to the tennis court and make an end by deciding to write a constitution and call an end to absolute monarchy.
  • Storming of The Bastille

    Storming of The Bastille
    In the year 1788 the grain harvest in France was poor so the bread was doubled in price. The following year Paris had gotten mad. They had then attacked the Bastille which was a city prison. The Basille had been filled with gunpowder and when the soliders joined the mob the Bastille fell.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The representitves of the third estate declared themselves that they were the National Assembly. On August fourth 1789 they ended the feudal privileges of the clergy and the nobles. This also gave a document that gives citizens three rights: free speech, freedom of religion, and equality under the law.
  • Louis XVI moves to Paris

    Louis XVI moves to Paris
    In the year 1789 thousand of woman had rioted because of the cost of bread. They had marched on Versailles whhich had been 10 miles away from Paris. When the woman got to the palace they had killed many gaurs and damanded that both the king and queen move to Paris.
  • Louis tries to escape

    Louis tries to escape
    After the king and queen had moved to Paris which the people would have a say. In 1790 the king and queen attempted to escape but someone reconized them and got brought back to Paris which they would soon be killed.
  • The Great Fear and the woman march on Verasailles

    The Great Fear and the woman march on Verasailles
    The womans march on Verasailles was when the woman came from Paris to get the king and queen so they could move to Paris. Which the people would have a say in their government. They could also help the prices of food and other essentials to lower.
  • New Constituion

    New Constituion
    In the constituion it states that the new Legislative Assembly had the power to make laws. Also that the king had the right to enforce the laws or to put the laws into action.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    The constitution said that all men were equal before the law, but only property owners which had less than one percent of the population, could be elected into the government.
  • Fractions Split France

    Fractions Split France
    In the year 1791 Leopold and the king of Prussia said that all the kings had the duty to overthrough France. Then the armies of Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and spain had joined together to defeat the French and put an end to the French Revolution.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    The legislative Assembly had the power to make laws. It had only lated 11 months because the following year the French had abolished it. Then they had elected a Ntional Constitutional Convention.
  • Jacobins Take Control

    Jacobins Take Control
    After the mob ran into the Convention and arrested all the moderate leaders in Paris; the Jacobins (Radicals) had controlled the government. The Convention had formed the Committee of Public Safety, led by Maximilien Robespierre. He would then kill anyone who had opposed the revolution.
  • National Convension

    National Convension
    The convention was a group of people who met to get something done. The constitutional convention met a new form of new, more democratic government, a republic.
  • Louis XVI Executed

    Louis XVI Executed
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Jacobins had exicuted thousand of people by chopping their head off. The first person to lose their head was the queen- Marie Antoinette. It had been mainly common people to be executed. The Reign of Terror had ended once they had sent Robbespierre to the guillotine.
  • End of Terror

    End of Terror
    The end of the Reign of terror happened because Robespierre had made a list of random people that he thought were going against him. Nobody had known who was on the list to get executed so they decided why not just get kill him instead. Before his execution, he had tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head; unfortuanly he had failed and just broken his jaw and got sent to the guillotine.
  • Napoleon Become Emperor

    Napoleon Become Emperor
    In 1802 the French people had voted to make Napoleon their first consul for life. More than 3 million people voted for him and approximatly only 9000 people voted against him. On December 2, 1804, Pope Pius VII came to Paris to crown Napoleon as emperor. Napoleon had gone to the Cathedral, took the crown from him and place it on himself.
  • Period: to

    Napoleons Reform

    • He ran public schools for boys to get into the government.
    • Created a baking system.
    • Developed an efficiant method of tax collection.
    • Came up with the Napoleon Code- a new set of laws.
    • Made peace with the Catholic church through an agreement called concordat.
  • 100 Days

    100 Days
    The 100 Days started when the people fighting against him put him on the island Elba. On March 1, 1815 he escaped and he landed in France. Immediately he became emperor of France. On June 18, 1815 he attacked the british army. It had then been Napoleons last bid on power.